Monday, 29 November 2010

Close-up views of water life

Intricate patterns formed in water capture photographer Mak Remissa’s eye at the Royal University of Fine Arts this week. ©MAK REMISSA/PHOTO PHNOM PENH

via CAAI

Monday, 29 November 2010 15:00 Post Staff

TONIGHT sees the opening of Cambodian photographer Mak Remissa’s exhibitition – a new series called Water is Life, at the Royal University of Fine Arts in Phnom Penh.

“Nature, human beings and life in general need water but most people don’t really think about it. That’s why I wanted to show them how it’s interesting,” the artist said.

In a poetic and personal way, Mak Remissa, who is also a painter, tried to capture through 28 pictures the life contained within water, showing fish and crabs, as well as dead trees and sick people, thus illustrating the problems water can cause. “It is my way of encouraging people to take care of their environment,” he added.

Mak Remissa, who has already completed a series on fish and ants, is a photographer for the European Pressphoto Agency whose work has been exhibited in Canada, the United States, France, Holland and Switzerland.

“But this event is in my country, so it’s a good opportunity to show my work,” he explained, adding he hoped that Cambodian people would understand and appreciate his pictures.

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