Thursday, 25 November 2010

Parliament offers Cambodia sympathy

via CAAI

November 25, 2010


The Australian parliament has offered its sympathy to Cambodia after more than 350 people were killed in a stampede at a festival.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard offered the condolences of the Australian parliament to Cambodia for the terrible loss of life at the Water Festival on Monday.

A swaying bridge sparked panic and set off a stampede that killed hundreds on their way to a free concert in Cambodia's capital.

Advertisement: Story continues below "The Water Festival of course is an annual event and should have been a time of very great happiness and celebration for the people of Cambodia," Ms Gillard told parliament.

"But instead of being a time of happiness and celebration we now believe that as a result of a stampede 380 people have died and this number may grow in the coming days.

"It really is hard for us to imagine that a rush of human beings and the pushing and the shoving and the terror of that would result in a loss of life on that scale but that is what has occurred."

Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd had written to his Cambodian counterpart to offer assistance, Ms Gillard said.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott echoed Ms Gillard's sentiments.

"This is an almost incomprehensible tragedy for a country that has seen too much suffering," Mr Abbott said.

Cambodian authorities said no Australians were injured or killed in the stampede.

Mr Abbott said Australian firefighters in the country at a conference had pitched in to help with triage efforts.

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