Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Police Blotter: 17 Nov 2010

via CAAI

Wednesday, 17 November 2010 15:01 Sen David

Student dies after being knifed by gang
A 17-year-old student was stabbed to death by a group of “gangsters” in Phnom Penh’s Prampi Makara district on Monday. Police said the victim was also a gangster at high school, and that he had fought with the group on a public road. The gangsters stabbed him, and he was immediately sent to hospital. Doctors reported that they had “cured” him, but just three days later he died. Police said the gangsters were constantly playing truant from school, and this was not the first time they had stabbed someone.

Man denies rape of underage sweetheart
A 36-year-old Vietnamese man was arrested after being accused of raping a 13-year-old girl in Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district on Monday. Police said the suspect, a cricket seller, persuaded the victim to come with him to a guesthouse, where he raped her. She decided to tell her mother despite the man warning her against it. The mother filed a complaint to police, but the suspect denied that he raped the girl, insisting that they were in love and agreed to have sex.

Guard steals bike from hospital’s carpark
Police arrested a man accused of stealing a motorbike from the Russian-Cambodian Friendship Hospital carpark in Phnom Penh on Saturday. Police said the man was a guard for the motorbikes, and that a fellow guard had shouted for help when he saw his colleague driving off. The suspect admitted he was “fraudulent”, and police sent him to court.

Governor’s house set ablaze, child at fault
The house of the governor of Kampong Speu’s Thporng district caught fire on Sunday after his great-grandson was playing with a lighter. The governor said the family was having lunch together, but his great grandson went upstairs, intrigued with the cigarette lighter. A neighbour saw the fire and informed the governor downstairs. A fire engine soon arrived, but a witness said it was “so late”. Police said it was lucky the fire didn’t spread to nearby houses.

Drug dealer caught pushing pills in capital
A 22-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of selling drugs in Phnom Penh’s Daun Penh district on Sunday. Police said the man was selling the drugs in a “quiet place”, when they saw him and arrested him. Another man managed to evade officers. Police confiscated 198 unknown pills, a motorbike and a phone. The suspect admitted that he “really did this many times”. Police sent him to court for further questioning.

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