Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Police Blotter: 24 Nov 2010

via CAAI

Wednesday, 24 November 2010 15:01 Sen David

Knife-weilding dancers die on escape route
Two men died and another was severely injured following a knife fight in Kampong Cham city on Sunday. Police said the trio were dancing the night away at a village, when an argument erupted and knives and bats were drawn. One man was injured in the fight and the other two fled the scene on a motorbike, but crashed into a large tree and died instantly. The village chief said his intention was to have a party for the festival, but instead the trio began fighting, and the neighbours “were so afraid”.KAMPUCHEA THMEY

Moto driver killed after collison with tourist
A man was killed after crashing his motorbike into a turning vehicle in Kandal’s Ang Snuol district on Saturday. Police said the victim crashed directly into the car of a tourist as it attempted to make a right-hand turn. He was killed immediately in the collision. Police said it was the victim’s fault, as he was “driving very fast” and was not taking care when the car began its turn. Police also suspect the victim was drunk at the time. KAMPUCHEA THMEY

Good samaritan stabbed by drunken friend
A 35-year-old man almost died after being stabbed by his friend in Kampong Cham city on Sunday. Police said the suspect was drinking all day, when he began his boozy walk back home. On the way, he ran into his friend who tried to help him back, but the suspect repaid his kindness by stabbing him seven times with a knife. Neighbours called police and the suspect was immediately arrested. KOH SANTEPHEAP

Teenager detained after robbing house
A teenager was arrested after robbing a house in Phnom Penh’s Tuol Kork district on Sunday. The victim said he left the house to take his wife on a dinner date and locked all three locks on the door. However, when he returned the door was wide open and the property “was so messy”. They searched the house and found the 15-year-old boy perched on the rooftop. Police detained him and sent him to court. RASMEY KAMPUCHEA

Woman tries suicide over husband’s ban
Police in Phnom Penh’s Meanchy district said a woman tried to kill herself because her husband wouldn’t let her go out. Police said the woman, who is three months pregnant, had attempted to overdose on an unknown drug after her husband stopped her from going out during the Water festival. Neighbours sent her to hospital, but the husband refused to care, saying that “if she wanted to die, don’t send her to hospital”. She survived, but lost her unborn child. KAMPUCHEA THMEY

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