Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Savage attack: Old woman shot at and badly beaten

via CAAI

Tuesday, 09 November 2010 15:02 Thet Sambath

Savage attack

AN elderly woman in Oddar Meanchey province has filed a complaint against an official in the Ministry of Environment, alleging he beat her up and shot at her. Keo Soneng, the police officer in charge of crime for Anlong Veng district, said he received the complaint yesterday.

Hin Yam, 60, said yesterday that the official, Heng Sok Cheat, shot at her four times and hit her in the head for refusing to leave a rice paddy in O’Ampil village on Saturday. The woman was admitted to the district hospital on Sunday with head and back pains.

More than 200 families were moved to Rom Chek village in May from O’Ampil, which is part of a nature preserve. But she said the lack of rice paddies in Rom Chek drove many families to harvest rice in their old village.

Hin Yam’s son-in-law Yim Yam said he has also appealed to rights group Adhoc for assistance. Local Adhoc coordinator Srey Naron said he would file a complaint at Siem Reap provincial court, describing the official’s actions as “unacceptable”.

Keo Soneng said he had spoken with environment officials about the accusation. Heng Sok Cheat could not be reached.

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