Saturday, 4 December 2010

AKP - Agent Kampuchea Press

via CAAI


32nd Anniversary of the Solidarity Front for the Development of Cambodia Motherland

Phnom Penh, December 3, 2010 AKP -- The 32nd anniversary of the Solidarity Front for the Development of Cambodia Motherland was held yesterday at Snuol district, Kratie province under the presidency of Samdech Akka Moha Ponhea Chakrei Heng Samrin, honorary president of the Cambodian People’s Party and chairman of the National Council of Solidarity Front for the Development of Cambodia Motherland.

Around 7,000 front members from provincial offices and ministries as well as representatives from foreign embassies to Cambodia attended the event.

On the occasion, Samdech Heng Samrin, also president of the National Assembly, recalled the history of the establishment of the Solidarity Front for the Development of Cambodia Motherland, formerly called the Solidarity Front for National Salvation, and underlined the country’s successes in the past 32 years, which he said were inseparable from the front.

Samdech Heng Samrin took the opportunity to affirm the front’s support to the candidacy of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen as Prime Minister for the next mandates.

He further expressed the front’s support to the government’s actions, especially its severe measures in eliminating all infractions, which negatively impact the development and the people’s daily life. --AKP

(By SOKMOM Nimul)



U.S. Ambassador Offers Readiness to Discus with Cambodia on Leaked Cables

Phnom Penh, December 3, 2010 AKP -- Cambodian government official has said the U.S. government is prepared to discus with the Royal Government of Cambodia any issues related to Cambodia that arise from any documents disclosed by WikiLeaks.

“U.S. diplomat to Cambodia has assured me that the U.S. State Department will always discus with the Cambodian government any documents related to Cambodia published by any media,” said Information Minister H.E. Khieu Kanharith after holding a talk with U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia, Ms. Carol A. Rodley at the Ministry of Information on Dec. 3.

The WikiLeaks began on Sunday November 28th publishing 251,287 leaked United States embassy cables, the largest set of confidential documents ever to be released into the public domain, according to

The cables, which date from 1966 up until the end of February this year, contain confidential communications between 274 embassies in countries throughout the world and the State Department in Washington DC. 15,652 of the cables are classified Secret.

“The U.S. government will neither confirm nor deny any things WikiLeaks make available to the public,” Ms. Carol A. Rodley told H.E. Khieu Kanharith, adding “We don't know if they [the cables] are fake or genuine.”

“The U.S. government has arrested the American officer involved in the leaked cables and is now preparing a case to prosecute the soldier. It is a crime,” she said.

H.E. Khieu Kanharith highly appreciated the U.S. ambassador's readiness to discus with the Cambodian government any leaked cables that may damage the relationship between the two countries. --AKP

(By OUK Kimseng)



Twenty Communes of Kandal Province Officially Become Part of Phnom Penh City

Phnom Penh, December 3, 2010 AKP -- Twenty communes of Kandal province have been officially announced to be under the supervision of Phnom Penh city’s administration.

A document on the transfer of the communes to Phnom Penh city’s administration management was signed in a ceremony on Dec. 1 in Kandal province by Deputy Prime Minister H.E. Sar Kheng, minister of Interior, Phnom Penh Governor H.E. Kep Chutema and Kandal Provincial Governor H.E. Chhun Sirun.

The expansion of Phnom Penh city is made in response to the necessary situation of socio-economic development in Cambodia.

Some parts of districts of Ponhea Leu, Ang Snuol, Kandal Stung, Kien Svay and Muk Kampoul are included in Phnom Penh city. --AKP

(By THOU Peou)



ECCC Appoints International Civil Party Lead Co-Lawyer and International Co-Investigating Judge

Phnom Penh, December 3, 2010 AKP -- Elisabeth Simonneau Fort (France) has been appointed as international Civil Party Lead Co-Lawyer at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC), according to a news release of the ECCC dated Dec. 2.

Ms. Simonneau Fort obtained her law degree from studies at Paris II Assas and Paris X Nanterre universities. She has more than 30 years of experience as a lawyer based in Montpellier. She has devoted a significant part of her legal practice defending the rights of victims, with a special focus on children and women, in criminal courts. Ms. Simonneau Fort is a founding member of the association “The Lawyer and the Child” (l’Avocat et l’Enfant), and she has been a member of a group of lawyers providing voluntary services to juvenile offenders.

Ms. Simonneau Fort will work together with the national Civil Party Lead Co-Lawyer Mr. Pich Ang. The Civil Party Lead Co-Lawyers shall ensure the effective organization of Civil Party representation during the trial stage and beyond. Their core responsibilities will include representing the interests of the consolidated group of Civil Parties, overall advocacy, strategy and in-court presentation of the interests of the Civil Parties.

Earlier on Dec. 1, Dr. Siegfried Blunk (Germany) was appointed as new international Co-Investigating Judge at the ECCC by His Majesty Norodom Sihamoni, King of Cambodia.

Judge Blunk studied Law at Munich University and he wrote a PHD thesis about International Law. He was appointed as prosecutor in 1972, and in 1977 he was appointed as judge where he handled both civil and criminal cases for the next 26 years. From 2003-2005 he served as international judge in the hybrid court established by United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor. He has been a reserve Co-Investigating Judge at the ECCC since 2008.

Mr. Laurent Kasper-Ansernet (Switzerland) has been appointed as new international reserve Co-Investigating Judge.

Judge Blunk assumed office on Dec. 1, 2010. --AKP



Korea To Help Establish Human Resource Development Center in Cambodia

Phnom Penh, December 3, 2010 AKP -- The Republic of Korea will help build a Human Resource Development Center in Cambodia with a total cost of US$7,450,000, according to the record of discussions on the establishment of the center.

The record was inked here on Dec. 2 by Cambodian Minister of Education, Youth and Sports H.E. Im Sethy and Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Country Representative Dr. Shin Eui-cheol under the witness of Korean Ambassador to Cambodia H.E. Chang Ho-jin.

The center is aimed at developing Cambodia’s human resource through building up the capacity of lecturers, students, and civil servants.

Speaking on the occasion, KOICA country representative said the center development project will contribute to the development of Cambodian economy and the strengthening of Cambodia-Korea relations.

In reply, H.E. Im Sethy deeply thanked KOICA for its assistance to establish a Human Resource Development Center in Cambodia, which clearly shows the good relationship between Cambodia and South Korea. --AKP

(By CHEA Vannak)



4,000 Athletes To Join the 15th International Half Marathon in Siem Reap

Phnom Penh, December 3, 2010 AKP -- Some 3,850 athletes, of them nearly 2,000 foreigners from 53 countries, will gather in front of the Angkor Wat Temple, Siem Reap province on Dec. 5 for the 15th Angkor Wat International Half Marathon.

According to H.E. Vath Chamroeun, secretary general of the National Olympic Committee of Cambodia (NOCC), H.E. Thong Khon, minister of Tourism and president of NOCC will preside over the event.

The 15th International Half Marathon will be conducted in four different distances: 21 kilometers for professional athletes, 10 kilometers for men, 5 kilometers for women and 4 kilometers for families.

This International Half Marathon event is aimed to attract foreign tourists to visit Siem Reap province and the Kingdom of Cambodia.

In 2009, some 3,500 runners joined the event including 1,808 foreigners from 48 countries, in the men’s 21-kilometer competition around Angkor Wat. A Malaysian runner won the first place, a Cambodian the second and a British the third, while in the women’s contest, a Singaporean took the first place, a British got the second and a Japanese the third.

The International Half Marathon is held every year at Angkor Wat Temple. --AKP

(By Théng)

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