Tuesday, 7 December 2010

AKP - Agent Kampuchea Press

via CAAI

NA President Leaves for Official Visit in Cuba

Phnom Penh, December 6, 2010 AKP -- National Assembly President Samdech Akka Moha Ponhea Chakrei Heng Samrin left here on Dec. 5 for the Republic of Cuba for a nine-day official and friendly visit, at the invitation of his Cuban counterpart H.E. Ricado Alarcon de Quesada.

During his stay in Cuba, Samdech Heng Samrin and his entourage will hold a bilateral talk with his Cuban counterpart and meet with the vice-chairman of the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples and the chairman of the Cuban-Cambodian Friendship Association, according to a press release of the General Secretariat of the National Assembly.

The Cambodian National Assembly president is also scheduled to visit the High Scientific Center, the University of Informatic Sciences, the National Cultural Center of Cuba and the Historical Center. --AKP

Text by: Pal Song

Translated by: SOKMOM Nimul



Success of the 6th ICAPP General Assembly

Phnom Penh, December 6, 2010 AKP -- Hon. Jose de Venecia, Jr., Founding Chairman and Co-chairman of the ICAPP Standing Committee has highly evaluated the success of the 6th General Assembly of the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP).

At a press conference held here on Dec. 3 at the end of ICAPP General Assembly, Hon. José de Venecia, Jr. appreciated Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, and H.E. Sok An, Chairman of the Organizing Committee, for their wise leadership.

Cambodia is a model country of national unity in Southeast Asia after more than three decades of civil war, he said, praising Samdech Techo Hun Sen’s leadership, which brought national reconciliation to the country, he said.

Six major events took place successively from Dec. 1 to 3 including the Centrist Democrat International Asia Pacific Executive Council Meeting, the 6th ICAPP General Assembly and the 10th founding anniversary of ICAPP, the meeting of Political leaders in Asia and Latin America, the first annual World Eco-Safety General Assembly, the seminars on “Young Politicians” and “Women as Politicians”.

For his part, H.E. Sok An, also Deputy Prime Minister and Minister in charge of the Office of the Council of Ministers of the Kingdom of Cambodia shared the same idea as Hon. José de Venecia Jr., before the success of the 6th ICAPP General Assembly.

This is a greater and more positive achievement than the first five General Assemblies because up to 100 political parties from 46 countries attended the event, he said.

In addition, he added, what ICAPP is interested in the most is the fact that Cambodia has the International Co-ordinating Committee for the Safeguarding and Development of the Historic Site of Angkor (ICC), considered by partner countries and UNESCO as a model of world cultural cooperation.

Another important point is the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, the fruit of cooperation between the Royal Government of Cambodia and the UN, who broke five records in the field of international justice,” pointed out H.E. Sok An.

ICAPP clearly highlighted Cambodia’s model in the region and the world in national coordination and reconciliation, said the Cambodian deputy prime minister, adding that ICAPP has established a mechanism with an aim to coordinate the countries with internal conflict to draw experiences from Cambodia, which had successfully implemented the “Win Win” policy in nation building.

Phnom Penh Declaration unanimously adopted by leaders and representatives of 100 political parties focuses on ten important points including reaching others to increase knowledge, dialogues, cooperation in order to achieve peace, security and social justice; the degradation of environment as our common challenge; the necessity of economic growth for all to narrow the gaps between peoples and nations; the importance of regional integration and more cooperation with other regional associations in the world; the necessity of each nation to improve its capacity for a durable agricultural growth; joint responsibility in combating climate change; the importance of renewable energy not only in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but also in promoting sustainable development; the establishment of an ASEAN environment research center; the promotion of close cooperation to deal with natural disasters due to climate change and environmental degradation; and the mobilization of political parties for world peace and mutual understanding. --AKP




6th ICAPP General Assembly: Phnom Penh Declaration

Phnom Penh, December 6, 2010 AKP -- Below is the full Phnom Penh Declaration posted on the website of the Office of the Council of Ministers of Cambodia:

“Phnom Penh Declaration

International Conference of Asian Political Parties

Adopted at the 6th General Assembly of the ICAPP

held in Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia, on December 2-3, 2010

We—the leaders and representatives of (89) political parties from Afghanistan, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, DPR Korea, East Timor, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Russia, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Syria, Thailand, Tonga, and Vietnam—gathered here in Phnom Penh, the capital city of the Kingdom of Cambodia, for the Sixth General Assembly of the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP). The Assembly was graciously hosted by the Cambodian People’s Party, in collaboration with the FUNCINPEC Party, from December 1 to 4, 2010, under the main theme of “Asia’s Quest for a Better Tomorrow.”

Noting that our Assembly coincides not only with the tenth anniversary of ICAPP’s founding but also with the 32nd anniversary of the establishment of a ‘Salvation Front for the Liberation of the Cambodian Nation from the Genocidal Regime,’ we declare as follows:


We reaffirm that ICAPP is an open and unique forum for Asia’s political parties, and that it has become the pivot of inter-party dialogue and cooperation, working to achieve our common goal of sustained peace and shared prosperity in Asia. ICAPP is leading the way forward in what is generally accepted as the 21st Asian Century.

We note with great satisfaction and pride that, during its first decade, ICAPP has promoted exchanges and cooperation between political parties subscribing to competing ideologies; enhanced mutual understanding and trust among our peoples and countries; and promoted regional cooperation.

We reaffirm our commitment to the principles—and the spirit—of the ICAPP Charter and of ICAPP’s subsequent Declarations at its biennial assemblies: in Manila in 2000, Bangkok in 2002, Beijing in 2004, Seoul in 2006 and Astana in 2009.

We reiterate our commitment to the intent and spirit of the United Nations Charter, International Law, the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence, and the Bandung Principles that emphasize democracy, good governance, human security, human rights, dignity, freedom, well-being, the rule of law and coexistence between ethnicities, cultures and faiths. Promotion of inter-faith harmony is basic tenet of ICAPP’s principles. ICAPP embodies the Asian spirit of resilience evident in the dynamism and vibrance of our societies: successfully combating crises and overcoming the economic difficulties with innovation.


We pledge to ensure peace, security, stability and prosperity for our home continent, in the context of growing political and economic multi-polarity, by adhering to the following principles:

· Sovereignty and territorial integrity of every state;

· Right to determine its own political, economic and social system of every state;

· Non-aggression and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs;

· Peaceful settlement of territorial disputes and adherence to international treaties and laws;

· Arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; and

· Rejection of every kind of extremism, prejudice or bigotry.

We support in particular the international agreement that “all States need to make special efforts to establish the necessary framework to achieve and maintain a world without nuclear weapons,” as stated in the final Document unanimously adopted in 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, as well as the United Nations Secretary General’s five point proposal which includes negotiations on a nuclear weapons convention.

We support our Standing Committee’s initiative—in company with the Permanent Conference of the Political Parties of Latin America and the Caribbean (COPPPAL)—to reach out to our counterparts in Africa and in other continents to enhance mutual understanding and cooperation through dialogue and exchange, with the object of eventually convening a global convention of political parties. This was reaffirm at the meeting between Standing Committee of the ICAPP and Coordinating Body of the COPPPAL.


We realize that environmental degradation and poverty passed down from generation to generation are the gravest threats confronting humankind in our time. We support all efforts—international and national—to moderate the effects of climate change and to alleviate hunger, ignorance and ill-health. We endorse U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s efforts to accelerate the attainment of the U.N.’s Millennium Development Goals; and to facilitate international agreements to reduce greenhouse gases. We endorse ICAPP’s initiative to gain observer status to the General Assembly, so as to coordinate its activities with relevant U.N. programs.

We realize the Asian economies’ need to improve their management of financial liquidity and their ability to pool resources, if they are to control the processes of national and regional development. Our countries must seek inclusive growth by expanding economic parity and by increasing their share of the benefits from global economic growth. They can achieve this by bridging the development gap and by speeding up their economic integration through the connectivity being generated by globalization.


We realize our need to boost intra-regional trade through open regionalism—by eliminating both tariff and non-tariff barriers, deepening cooperation, and integrating the economies of the Asian regions. We must link up the ASEAN and SAARC (South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation) frameworks; strengthen the Mekong-Indo-China economic corridors; connect the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) with the South Asia Sub-regional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) as well as with the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC); and bring Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) and all other regional cooperation frameworks into a larger pan-Asian architecture.

In this regard, we remind ourselves of our vision and our ultimate goal to build an Asian community that will bring about shared prosperity to all peoples in the region and emphasize the importance of collectively striving to further strengthen coordination and cooperation among all countries and regional groupings, in particular through expanded roles of political parties.

We reaffirm our resolve to establish an Asian Anti-Poverty Fund and an Asian Micro-Financing Fund—as called for by the Kunming Declaration of the ICAPP Conference on Poverty Alleviation held in the capital city of Yunnan Province, China, in July 2010. We reaffirm our will to enlarge the objective area of the proposed Fund into a Global Anti-Poverty Fund following consultations with our intra-regional political partners in Latin America and the Caribbean under COPPPAL and with the political parties in Africa.

We realize that, as Asia’s economies expand, the continent’s huge population will exert an upward pressure on food demand worldwide. To anticipate this, we must now build up our centers of sustainable agricultural growth. The Mekong River basin can become one such resource, both for Southeast Asia and beyond. We urge the Mekong Basin states to protect their water resources and develop their agriculture—particularly its organic components—not only to reduce poverty among their peoples, but also to improve regional food security and to restrain the inflation of global food prices.

Dealing with THE perils of climate change

We recognize our critical need to turn our economies away from business as usual—so that we can face up to our collective responsibility to deal with the hazards and perils of climate change. Already our countries must cope increasingly with environmental disasters such as super-typhoons, great floods and engulfing landslides. We must reexamine our accustomed energy culture and move forward in the innovative use of renewable and clean energy sources.

We must strengthen the bonds between humankind and the living earth by making industry a friend and not an enemy of the environment. Public policy must encourage the rise of ‘green enterprises’ and the adoption of technologies attuned to the new environmental imperatives. We must always keep in mind the earth is not for us to deal with as we please. We’re merely its trustees for the next generation.


We recognize that moving toward the use of renewable energy is not just an effort to reduce CO2 emissions. It is also an opportunity to create sustainable domains of economic activity, raise popular incomes and generate jobs. The judicious development of Asia’s renewable energy resources—in all their variety and widespread availability—should become the end-goals of our continent’s energy strategy.

Since it will take some time for renewable energy resources and green technologies to become fully developed, we must—at least for the foreseeable future—continue to rely on conventional energy sources to fuel Asia’s development. Hence we must also advocate—in an era of volatile oil prices—the tapping of the oil and gas reserves known to lie both inland and offshore in many regions of our Continent.


We recognize that biological diversity has played a crucial role in the rise of civilizations. Humankind must preserve zealously this immense biodiversity reserve. We call for the founding of an ‘Asian Environment Research Center’ to support our Continent’s sustainable development and to encourage pioneering and innovation in sustainable development, particularly in farming, forestry and fishery.


We also call for the closest cooperation among the Asian states to deal with recurring natural disasters, such as earthquakes, tsunami and flooding. We must link all efforts to prevent these disasters and to provide relief and rehabilitation at all levels—local, national and international. We urge the convening of an ICAPP Medical Emergency Forum (IMEF) to respond to the challenges and threats from natural disasters, as agreed at the 1st Meeting of the IMEF Steering Committee in Langkawi, Malaysia in May 2010. We welcome the decision to convene the ICAPP Conference on Natural Disasters and Environmental Protection in Malaysia in May 2011. And we support the objectives of the International Eco-Safety Cooperative Organization and propose that we show our collective resolve and consider including in our respective national Constitutions and political party platforms provisions and solutions to combat climate change and environmental degradation.


We recognize that youth and women’s access to and control over resources, access to opportunity and participation in al sphere of life are vital to sustainable development and prosperity. We recognise that the social-cultural processes of modernisation cannot be completed without their active engagement.


We seek reconciliation in all Asia’s conflict zones. Indeed one of our end-goals is to mobilize all the world’s political groupings on behalf of the global peace process; the political and economic integration of the regions; the stability of the economic order; debt relief, and common action against poverty, corruption and climate change. By getting together and agreeing on common action, we, the Asian and world’s political parties, could contribute our share to bridging the East-West, North-South divide; prevent the threatening “clash of civilizations,” and save our planet from environmental degradation.


We must also emphasize the importance of preserving Asia’s splendid heritage, its cultures and values to the extend that they do not violate the rights of any individual and group that even under globalization, continue to inspire and to guide our Continent’s processes of modernization. We call for the creation of an institution to award grand prize for union and innovating contributions to sustainable development, particularly in the field of agriculture, environment, energy, peace and culture.

Felicitate the Royal Government of Cambodia and the International Coordinating Committee (ICC) for their achievement with respect to the Angkor World Heritage Site, a cooperation between 18 countries and 25 institutions in 60 different projects, a model of excellence in its execution of protection, preservation and sustainable development and harmonization between cultural heritage, nature and human activities.


Under the auspices of His Majesty King Norodom Sihamoni and His Majesty King Father Samdech Preah Bat Norodom Sihanouk, we compliment the Cambodian People’s Party for achieving the following goals:

· Liberating the country from the genocidal regime, preventing its return, and rebuilding the country from scratch with poverty rate of 100 percent;

· Negotiating and achieving a political settlement which paved the way for the development and prosperity;

· Safeguarding the Constitution and, thanks to win-win policy of Samdech Techo Hun Sen, guaranteeing peace, political stability and full national unity that has enabled the economy to growth by double digits in recent years;

· Brining the last Khmer Rouge leaders to justice through an Extraordinary Chamber within the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) that has been recognized by the United Nations as a new model for the international justices; and

· Dispatching Cambodian troops on UN peace-keeping mission to a number of countries such as Sudan, Chad, Central Africa and Lebanon.

Within a short spam of less than two decades, Cambodia has demonstrated through its policy a model of peace and reconciliation. A large-hearted approach based on inclusion, generosity and taking all on board has ensured a process where there no loser and all are victors. Such a model has relevant for others conflicts in Asia. In this context, ICAPP supports and joins the Centrist Asia Pacific Democrats International (CAPDI) Peace Commission in its efforts to promote peace in Asia through dialogue among political parties in conflict areas such as Nepal, Korea, Pakistan-India, and Afghanistan.

The ICAPP will be sending a delegation to Kathmandu on the invitation of the three major political parties of Nepal to seek a way out of the impasse through dialogue among the parties concerned.

The ICAPP also welcomes the establishment of the High Peace Commission by the Government of Afghanistan, which is mandated to start negotiation with the insurgents with a view to seeking a political settlement of the conflict.

Pursuant to the letters written by the ICAPP Chairman, Jose de Venecia and Secretary General Chun Eui-yong, to the President of Pakistan and the leader of the ruling Indian National Congress, Madame Sonia Gandhi, representatives of the Indian and Pakistani ruling, and opposition parties met in Phnom Penh on December 3, 2010, and agreed to institutionalized the dialogue amongst the two countries main political forces.

With respect to the recent provocation and military action in the Korean Peninsula, the ICAPP General Assembly calls on all parties concerned to immediately defuse the situation through dialogue and negotiations. The ICAPP strongly urges the international community to ensure that there is no recurrence of the use of force, in line with the statement of the UN Secretary General on this issue.

The ICAPP General Assembly noted that the “Cambodian Model” of peace, reconciliation and integration of armed groups presents a way forward to resolve conflicts in other parts of Asia.


Lastly, we must express our gratitude to the Cambodian People’s Party and the FUNCINPEC Party for hosting our Sixth General Assembly. Further, we thank the Royal Government and the people of Cambodia for their warm hospitality. And we note with gratitude the encouragement and support of the Hanns Seidel Stiftung and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, both of the Federal Republic of Germany; and of the Korea Foundation, Republic of Korea.

We also express our gratitude to the representatives of political parties and institutes from Argentina, Columbia, Germany, Mexico, Seychelles, Sudan, Sweden, Tanzania, Uganda, and the United States who have participated in the assembly as observers. The ICAPP General Assembly paid tribute to the creative leadership and dynamism of His Excellency Jose de Venecia as the architect and moving spirit of the ICAPP.

Adopted unanimously on this third day of December 2010, in Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia.” --AKP



Statement of the Standing Committee of the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) on Their Visit to the Angkor Archeological Sites and the Temple of Preah Vihear, World Heritage Sites

Phnom Penh, December 6, 2010 AKP -- The Following is the full Statement of the Standing Committee of the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) on Their Visit to the Angkor Archeological Sites and the Temple of Preah Vihear, World Heritage Sites, Cambodia, 4th -5th December, 2010:

“The International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP), represented by 89 Asian ruling and opposition political parties, assembled in Phnom Penh, 2nd-3rd December 2010, for their 6th General Assembly. The General Assembly and 10th Anniversary focused on important political, social and economic, environment and energy issues as well as dispute settlement strategies in Asia.

Following the General Assembly, on 4th December, the delegates visited the Angkor Archeological Sites in Siem Reap province. The ICAPP Standing Committee in particular highly admired Angkor Wat Temple, the heritage site considered one of the world’s wonders. They also noted with appreciation the successful cooperation between the Royal Government of Cambodia and the International Coordinating Committee (ICC) in achieving a model of excellence in its execution of protection, preservation and sustainable development and harmonization between cultural heritage, nature and human activities.

The Standing Committee Members then visited the Temple of Preah Vihear, an outstanding masterpiece of Khmer architecture, built and completed by King Soryavarman II who also built Angkor Wat, perched on a promontory of the Dangrek Mountain in Preah Vihear province. The Members reaffirmed the great international significance and outstanding universal value – very pure, significant and exceptional of this temple in accordance with the cultural standard of UNESCO, which was inscribed on the World Heritage list in 2008. The Standing Committee Members expressed their appreciation of the Decision made by the World Heritage Committee to inscribe the Temple on the World Heritage List in Quebec, Canada.

The Members also expressed their entire satisfaction with the decision of the International Court of Justice in June 1962, which ruled the Temple of Preah Vihear is indisputably situated in territory under the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

The Standing Committee Members appeal to the international community for their immediate assistance in restoring, preserving and protecting the Temple. The example of ICC-Angkor should be applied as a model for the sacred site of the Temple of Preah Vihear.”-- AKP



Cambodian Premier Receives the ICAPP Star of Achievement and Lifetime Award

Phnom Penh, December 6, 2010 AKP -- Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, vice president of Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) has received the ICAPP Star of Achievement and Lifetime Award.

The award, conferred on him by Co-chairman of the ICAPP Hon. José de Venecia, Jr. on Dec. 2 in a banquet held at Koh Pich Center in Phnom Penh, is in response to his bravery and indefatigable efforts in leading the country from the war stage to the peace and the national development in all fields.

Meanwhile, the Cambodian premier honored Founding Chairman and Co-chairman of the ICAPP Standing Committee Hon. José de Venecia, Jr., Nepalese Prime Minister H.E. Madhav Kumar Nepal, former President of Indonesia H.E. Megawati Sukarnoputri and former President of the Philippines H.E. Fidel Ramos.

The Cambodian prime minister also conferred decorations on the 10th anniversary and the humanitarian mission of ICAPP on representative of former Prime Minister of Pakistan H.E. Benazir Bhutto, representative of former President of the Philippines Corazon Aquino, Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister H.E. Sok An, Co-chairman of ICAPP Standing Committee H.E. Chung Eui-yong and second Vice President of the National Assembly H.E. Say Chhum, and the representative of ICAPP Organizing Committee. --AKP

Text by CHEY Phum Pul

Translated by THOU Peou



Cambodian Delegation to APA Conference Returned Home

Phnom Penh, December 6, 2010 AKP -- First Vice President of Cambodian National Assembly H.E. Nguon Nhel on Dec. 3 returned to Cambodia after leading a delegation to attend the 5th Conference of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) held in Damascus of Syria.

In a press conference upon his arrival, the deputy chairman of the 9th committee of Cambodian Senate H.E. Chhit Kimyat made known that H.E Nguon Nhel led both the National Assembly and Senate delegates to the conference that lasted for three days.

Proceeding under the auspices of the Executive Council President Bashar al-Assad, the conference basically adopted 17 decisions related to combating corruption, achieving health equity, the challenges and opportunities of globalization in Asia, supporting the rights of the Palestinian people, promoting the principles of friendship and cooperation in Asia, the role of Asian parliaments in enhancing anti-terrorism, combating occupation policy, effects of the global financial crisis on the economies of member countries and issues of global warming and climate change.

Evolving from the Association of Asian Parliamentary for Peace (AAPP) in 2006, the Asian Parliamentary Assembly to date has 41 member countries and 17 observer countries.

In the course of the Middle East peace reflection and discussion, H.E. Nguon Nhel shared Cambodia peace reconciliation move based on win-win solution and encouraged the rival parties in the Middle East to evade use of force and to continue peaceful negotiation, added H.E. Chhit Kimyat. --AKP

By MOM Chan Dara Soleil



Cambodia, Konrad Adenauer To Train Public Relations Officers at Local Level

Phnom Penh, December 6, 2010 AKP -- The Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Information and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung of Germany signed here last Friday a MoU to pave the way for the cooperation between the Royal Government of Cambodia, and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), to train government officials at local level about public relations and communication to improve access to information for the public.

The MoU was signed at the Ministry of Interior by Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister H.E. Sar Kheng, Information Minister H.E. Khieu Kanharith and KAS Country Representative to Cambodia Ms. Rabea Brauer.

On the occasion, H.E. Sar Kheng highly appreciated KAS for its contribution to the development of Cambodia for over ten years. In decentralization and deconcentration reform policy, KAS is a good cooperation partner of the Ministry of Interior, he said.

For his part, H.E. Khieu Kanharith said the signing of the MoU reflected the commitment made by the Cambodian government to promote access to information which is on of the main pillars for democracy.

“The scope of the MoU is to improve public relations and information strategies of councils, Board of Governors and sub-national administration,” he stressed.

He said that based on the MoU, the government in cooperation with KAS will conduct training courses in order to have three responsible press officers, including a deputy governor, a municipal/provincial official and an official of the Department of Provincial Information, selected by the council. The press officer has in his/her capacity to inform the public and communicate with the media, about the responsibilities and decisions of the council, Board of Governors, municipal and provincial administration.

H.E. Khieu Kanharith further stated that, through the training courses, we hope the trainees will be able to effectively communicate with the public and the media resulting into free flow of information.

KAS Country Representative Ms. Rabea Brauer stated that based on the MoU, the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Information, and KAS in cooperation with its partners such as the Club of Cambodian Journalists and the Department of Media and Communication shall undertake training programs on public relations, press relations and outreach. The program serving with a kick off meeting of all participants in January covers a period of two years.

“It is our hope that access to information will be greatly improved after the training programs which are specially designed for local officials through the countries. These officials who attend the program will become a bridge to connect the local administration with the public and the media to enhance transparency, accountability, and democracy of the country,” she said.

Mr. Pen Samitthy, the President of the Club of Cambodian Journalists (CCJ) welcomed the signing of the MoU, saying that the upcoming Public Relations Officers or spokesmen will help journalists tremendously in their daily work to gather information and write news in the interest of the public. CCJ sees the signing of MoU as positive progress for press freedom in Cambodia. Thus, CCJ is ready to be engaged in the process of the training programs. --AKP




Cambodia, Seychelles To Cooperate in Economy and Technique

Phnom Penh, December 6, 2010 AKP -- Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation H.E. Hor Namhong met here on Dec. 2 with Seychelles Foreign Minister H.E. Jean-Paul Adam.

The meeting mainly focused on the economic and technical cooperation between the two countries, said H.E. Koy Kuong, undersecretary of state and spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

H.E. Hor Namhong asked Seychelles to support Cambodia’s candidacy as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for 2013-2014.

The agreement of economic and technical cooperation between Cambodia and Seychelles was also signed on the occasion. --AKP

By LIM Nary



Cambodian-born Commander Docks USS Mustin at Cambodia’s Seaport

Phnom Penh, December 6, 2010 AKP -- The U.S. guided-missile destroyer named USS Mustin (DDG89) led by Cambodian-born commander Michael Vannak Khem Misiewicz on Dec. 3 docked at Sihanoukville seaport for five-day humanitarian activities – distributing educational materials to orphans, performing concert for the locals and playing friendship sports with the Cambodian counterpart.

According to Mark Venig, spokesman of the U.S. Embassy to Cambodia, this second trip of USS Mustin (DDG89) to Cambodia brings along Commodore Misiewicz to see his birth country for the first time after 37 years.

In 1973, Misiewicz was adopted by an American woman and escaped to the United States before the infamous Khmer Rouge took complete power in Cambodia between 1975 and early 1979, during which his father was killed.

“I can realize my dream of visiting Cambodia and meet my relatives now,” said Misiewicz in a press interview, adding that this visit helps cheer up his sad past of losing his father and that he is glad to see the relationship between Cambodia and the U.S. is blooming.

In this trip to Cambodia, there are a total number of 276 crew and sailors loaded in the guided-missile destroyer USS Mustin which is based in Yokosuka of Japan. --AKP

By MOM Chan Dara Soleil



U.S. Ambassador Receives Medal at Kandol Chrum Primary School Opening
Phnom Penh, December 6, 2010 AKP -- U.S. Ambassador Carol Rodley received a National Construction Medal on Dec. 2 in Kampong Cham province.

This medal, awarded to Ambassador Rodley by the Royal Government of Cambodia, for her outstanding contributions and support to the education of the Cambodian people, according to the U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh.

Ambassador Rodley accepted the award at the opening of the Kandol Chrum Primary School in Kampong Cham, which was funded by U.S. Government assistance programs.

Ambassador Rodley said at the event that “the new Kandol Chrum Primary School is at the leading edge of design and functionality. It now has the capacity to educate all of the students for this growing commune of over 15,000 Cambodian citizens.”

“Our dedication to helping the Royal Government of Cambodia improves its education system, both in terms of human capacity and infrastructure, is a true testament of America’s commitment to each and every one of you.”

The Kandol Chrum Primary School is one of three humanitarian assistance projects the U.S. Government funded in Kampong Cham this year. --AKP



ADB Supports Cambodian Financial Sector Reform

Phnom Penh, December 6, 2010 AKP -- The Asian Development Bank (ADB) Board of Directors last week approved a loan and grant of US$15 million to promote the development of Cambodian financial sector, said an ADB news release.

The loan and grant will finance the final subprogram of the Second Financial Sector Cluster Program, which incorporates reform actions designed to improve public confidence and financial intermediation, strengthen sector resilience, promote good governance, and enhance system efficiency.

Key actions of the program include steps to improve check clearance and settlement amongst commercial banks and the government, regulations to guide inter-bank transactions, the promotion of deposit-taking by microfinance institutions in compliance with new prudential requirements, and improved prudential supervision of banks and microfinance institutions. It also promotes greater transparency in the insurance industry, measures to combat money laundering, and a new integrated accounting system at the National Bank of Cambodia.

“Finance sector development helps reduce poverty by cutting transaction costs for economic activities and expanding the reach of the formal finance sector to lower income groups, including rural micro-enterprises,” said Samiuela Tukuafu, Principal Financial Sector Specialist in ADB's Southeast Asia Department.

The immediate gains generated by the program, which began in 2007, include new and increased loans of US$1.52 billion, the creation of over 12,000 jobs, and the opening of over 980 new branches of banks and microfinance institutions throughout Cambodia.

The loan of US$10 million from ADB's concessional Asian Development Fund has a 24-year term, including an 8-year grace period with an interest rate of 1 percent during the grace period and 1.5 percent for the balance of the term. The grant of US$5 million also comes from the Asian Development Fund. The National Bank of Cambodia is the executing agency for the overall program, with the Ministry of Economy and Finance and Ministry of Commerce the implementing agencies. --AKP

By KHAN Sophirom



World AIDS Day Organized Jointly At Cambodian-Thai Border

Phnom Penh, December 6, 2010 AKP -- The provincial authorities of Banteay Meanchey, Cambodia, and of Srah Keo, Thailand jointly organized on Dec. 1 The World AIDS Day on Cambodia-Thailand Friendship Bridge at the international border gate of Poipet.

It was attended by the deputy governors, and some 300 civil servants, armed forces and people of the two provinces.

Keo Sopheaktra, Director of Banteay Meanchey Provincial Office, and Phirat, Director of Health Care Department of Srah Keo province, said that the joint celebration on Cambodia-Thailand Friendship Bridge was intended to remind the people living along the border of HIV-AIDS which badly affected human lives, families, societies and national economy. They called for the participation in prevention of new HIV-AIDS cases.

The two directors further noted that it also reflected a joint cooperation in health sector to improve the wellbeing of the two peoples, and especially those living along the Cambodian-Thai border.

Banteay Meanchey Deputy Governor Chhum Vannarith, and his Thai counterpart, Chhat Kinnupakdul, said that the joint organization of The World AIDS Day would help promote cooperation in all areas between the provinces of Banteay Meanchey and Srah Keo so as to turn the border zone of the two countries into the border of lasting friendship, peace, development and cooperation. --AKP

Text by CHHUN Sarat

Translated by Ravuth M.



Cambodian Wins 15th Angkor Wat International Half Marathon

Phnom Penh, December 6, 2010 AKP -- Cambodian runner, Hem Bunting, won the 15th Angkor Wat International Half Marathon held yesterday in Siem Reap province.

An American runner won the second place and a Japanese the third.

Some 4,100 athletes, of them 1,750 are foreigners from 53 countries and 350 others are members of diplomatic corps and NGOs in Cambodia, gathered in front of the Angkor Wat Temple for the 15th Angkor Wat International Half Marathon for a 21-kilometer race, according to H.E. Thong Khon, Minister of Tourism and President of the National Olympic Committee of Cambodia (NOCC), who told the Cambodia Television Network (CTN) this morning.

In the 21-kilometer competition for disabled people, Cambodians won the first, the second and the third places.

The International Half Marathon is held every year at the Angkor Wat Temple.

This International Half Marathon event is aimed to attract foreign tourists to visit Siem Reap province and the Kingdom of Cambodia as a whole.

In the first ten months of 2010, over 2 million foreign tourists visited Cambodia, said H.E. Thong Khon, adding that the country is expected to receive 2.4 million to 2.5 million visitors by the end of this year. --AKP

By Théng

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