Thursday, 30 December 2010

Hot ticket: Thousands visit Khmer Rouge court

via CAAI

Thursday, 30 December 2010 15:02 Thomas Miller

Hot ticket

MORE than 67,000 people have visited the Khmer Rouge tribunal or attended hearings of its first case since March 30 of last year, the court said in a statement yesterday.

It added that Tony Kranh, acting director of administration at the hybrid court, will meet with 550 people from Kampong Cham and Kampot provinces at the court today to brief them on the tribunal’s work. The court will continue to host such outreach events, which allow people to visit the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, the Choeung Ek killing fields and the court itself.

On July 26, the court sentenced former Tuol Sleng prison chief Kaing Guek Eav, better known as Duch, to 30 years jail for crimes against humanity and grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions. Appeal hearings are set to begin in March.

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