Monday, 6 December 2010

Koh Pich toll rises

via CAAI

Sunday, 05 December 2010 20:46 Tep Nimol

THE death toll from last month’s Diamond Island stampede has climbed to 353 following the death of a 23-year-old woman from Russey Keo district.

Chhouy Meng, head of the emergency care unit at Calmette Hospital, said yesterday that the victim, Res Marima, had died of organ failure as a result of internal injuries.

“Her condition grew worse and worse and we could not stabilise her,” Chhouy Meng said, adding that roughly 20 other stampede victims were in urgent care at Calmette.

Russey Keo deputy governor Ly Rosami said Res Marima, a Cham Muslim, was buried yesterday in the district’s Chroy Changvar commune. Phnom Penh Governor Kep Chuktema has offered US$2,000 to the victim’s family, Ly Rosami added, in addition to the five million riels ($1,226) compensation promised by the government.

Res Marima’s death brings the toll from the stampede to 353 dead and 393 injured, according to figures provided by a government investigative committee.

The Diamond Gate Bridge, the scene of the disaster, would reopen on Wednesday after closing following the accident, Diamond Island project manager Touch Samnang said yesterday.

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