Saturday, 4 December 2010

Labour groups to meet

via CAAI

Friday, 03 December 2010 15:03 Mom Kunthear

TWO labour confederations are scheduled to hold a joint press conference today to highlight the plight of almost 800 workers who union leaders say were fired or suspended without pay following strikes in September.

Kong Athit, secretary general of the Cambodian Labour Confederation, which will host the press conference along with the Cambodian National Labour Confederation, said yesterday that officials would appeal to the government to pressure factory owners to reinstate 779 workers “who were dismissed or suspended three months ago”.

However industry representatives have disputed the number of people fired and suspended after the strikes.

GMAC Secretary General Ken Loo said yesterday that 38 workers were dismissed and 358 suspended, most of whom had since been allowed to return to work.

“Most if not all have been reinstated,” he said.

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