Thursday, 16 December 2010

New routes ease access on gap years in Cambodia

via CAAI
Posted 16 Dec 2010

Travellers taking gap years in Cambodia could find their access to the north-east of the country made easier thanks to a new road into the area.

A report from Tourism Cambodia originally published by the Phnom Penh Post notes a substantial rise in visitation to Mondulkiri province since the opening of the transport route.

Between January and December 10th of 2009, 30,256 people visited the region – but this figure rose to 44,568 over the same period in 2010.

In all, that represents a rise of 47.3 per cent year-on-year, with the article citing the opening of the road as a likely driving force behind the increase.

Visitors on gap years in Cambodia could find Mondulkiri province to be an attractive option thanks to its unique geography and population.
Although the region is the largest in the country, it is also the most sparsely inhabited, with significant variety in both its flora and its fauna.

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