Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Seychelles signs economic and technical cooperation agreement with Cambodia

December 6, 2010 in Travel Related

via CAAI

(Forimmediaterelease.net) As part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' strategy to strengthen ties of political friendship and cooperation with Asian countries, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Jean Paul Adam, signed, last week in Phnom Penh, an Economic and Technical Cooperation Agreement (ETCA) with his Cambodian counterpart, Mr. Hor Namhong who is also Deputy Prime Minister.

In August this year, Minister Adam had signed a similar agreement with Vietnam, in addition to the two other ETCA signed during the last 2 years with Korea and the Philippines, giving Seychelles competitive advantages, in terms of legal instruments, to implement the government's “look East" policy aimed at tapping into the resources of the Asian market, especially with reference to tourism, fisheries, agriculture, trade, and investments, and to complement the benefits of the country's relations with its traditional friends in Europe, the Middle-east, and North America in particular.

Mr. Adam's visit to Cambodia coincided with the 6th General Assembly of the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP - founded in 2000) attended by representatives of 100 political parties from 40 countries. ICAPP's main purpose is to enhance cooperation and exchange of viewpoints among and between different political parties with different ideologies and to improve mutual understanding and trust among the nations and countries in Asia. Other purposes of ICAPP are to promote regional cooperation through the unique role and channel of political parties; and to create an environment for sustainable peace and shared prosperity in the region.

Seychelles' Minister for Foreign Affairs was the only non-Asian envoy invited to address the Opening Ceremony. Other speakers included Cambodia's Prime Minister, Mr. Hun Sen; Malaysia's Prime Minister, Mr. Najib Razak; Nepal's Prime Minister, Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal; as well as former President of the Philippines, Mr. Fidel Ramos; and former President of Indonesia, Mrs. Megawati Sukarnoputri.

Minister Adam availed of this opportunity to advocate Seychelles' stance in the fight against piracy and highlighted the challenges Small Island Developing States (SIDS) face in connection with climate change.

Minister Adam was accompanied by Seychelles' non-resident Ambassador to Cambodia, Mr. Philippe Le Gall, who is based in Beijing, China.

Alain St.Ange CEO, Seychelles Tourism Board Email: alain.s@seychelles.com

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