Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Soi Lek appointed vice-chairman of international NGO

The Malaysian delegation: Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek with Malaysian representatives at the 6th Centrist Asia Pacific Democrats International (CAPDI) conference in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Phnom Penh (Cambodia), Tuesday 7 December 2010: The Centrist Asia Pacific Democrats International (CAPDI) has appointed MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek as its vice-chairman during its just concluded 6th international conference held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia,

Chua was also invited to deliver a speech at the conference. He said that the CAPDI was one of the international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) formed by political parties. Based on its status as an international NGO, all the different ideologies and political parties in the organization can conduct a cross-border exchange of ideals and opinions through dialogues.

"We firmly oppose any form of racial extremism, which is very important to ensure that multiracial Asian countries are able to maintain peace and stability,” Chua said.

"The CAPDI held its first executive board meeting in a conference room at the Cambodian Prime Minister’s Office, and based on the Phnom Penh Declaration, the CAPDI calls upon all countries in the world to ensure long-term peace, security, stability and prosperity in this in region,” he said.

Besides that, the Phnom Penh Declaration is also in line with the United Nation Millennium Development Goals i.e. establishment of the Asian Anti-Poverty Fund and the Asian Micro-Financing Fund , fostering debt financing, debt relief and debt restructuring, environment protection and expression of views such as ideas on the new economy.

It also hoped that regional cooperation and dialogue between centrist political parties such as the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP), Asean People’s Assembly (APA) and other regional political parties will broaden the representation of Asian political parties.

In dealing with international matters, the declaration also calls upon countries to take a non-aggressive and interventionist approach to resolve the territorial disputes by peaceful methods, and to comply with international treaties and international laws.

Other representatives included former Indonesia Golkar Party chairman Jusuf Kalla, Philippines House of Representatives Speaker Jose de Venecia, Pakistan Muslim League general secretary Mushahid Hussain, United Russia Party international affairs chairman Konstantin Kosachev, Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Cambodian People's Party life member Sok An, Funcinpec Party chairman Keo Puth Rasmey, International Eco-Safety Cooperative Organization (IESCO) chairman Dr Jiang Mingjunf, and South Korean United Democratic Party foreign relations committee's former chairman Chung Eui Yong.

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