Saturday, 4 December 2010

Thailand group fears loss of land

via CAAI

BANGKOK, Dec. 3 (UPI) -- Thailand's People's Alliance for Democracy will hold a rally in January to protest the potential loss of land to Cambodia, officials said.

PAD co-leader Maj. Gen. Chamlong Srimuang said the group agreed to move the rally originally scheduled for Dec. 11 to Jan. 25, the Bangkok Post reported.

PAD opposes Parliament's approval of three memorandums of meetings of the Thai-Cambodian Joint Boundary Commission. PAD said it fears they will result in the loss of land to Cambodia.

"From now, we will be on tour to every part of the country to tell the people that if we do not do anything … we will lose land and marine resources to Cambodia," Chamlong said.

The memorandums detail meetings of the Thai-Cambodian Joint Boundary Commission, and PAD wants them to be withdrawn from Parliament.

The general also said PAD will call for Thailand to withdraw from the World Heritage Committee, which has awarded Cambodia management of the Preah Vihear temple.

A joint House-Senate committee has been set up to examine the boundary commission memorandums, the report said.

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