Saturday, 8 January 2011

Dispute erupts over village road

via CAAI

Friday, 07 January 2011 15:00 Sen David

MORE than 30 families from Preah Sihanouk province’s Mittapheap district have lodged complaints against a local resident, claiming that his recent home expansion has impeded a public road.

Hak Savet, a 45-year-old resident of village 4, in commune 4, said the homeowner, a man named Pich Vannak, has expanded his property eight metres into the 11-metre-wide village road.

“It is dangerous if a fire truck or any other truck wants to enter this gate, as we only have one road to go in or out of the village,” he said.

The families thumb-printed a petition yesterday calling for the relevant authorities, the court and rights groups to intervene in the case.

Heng Bunly, the chief of commune 4, said that authorities had organised a meeting, but that the homeowner still refused to halt construction.

“The homeowner said that his property is legal, but the building of the house encroaches onto the public road,” he said. “The residents asked him to leave an additional two metres of space for the road ... but he did not agree. He said that the villagers must pay US$10,000 for the two metres.”

Heng Sokhon, another resident, said villagers refused to pay such a sum to restore access. Suos Kanan, a CPP lawmaker representing Preah Sihanouk, promised yesterday to look into the dispute.

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