Thursday, 20 January 2011

Fugitive in kidnap case behind bars

via CAAI

Wednesday, 19 January 2011 20:11 Chhay Channyda

A fugitive convicted in absentia last year for his role in the 2009 abduction of a senior military official’s daughter was sent to Siem Reap provincial prison today following his arrest in Phnom Penh.

Chok Channy, 26, was arrested at a garage shop along National Road 5 in Russei Keo district at about 5pm on Tuesday, Kheng Tito, spokesman for the National Military Police, said today.

Chok Channy will serve 17 years, he said.

Chok Channy is the fifth person jailed for the March 6, 2009 abduction of 16-year-old Morn Charkriya, the daughter of Siem Reap provincial military police chief Morn Samon.

Four others involved in the abduction and extortion attempt received 15-year sentences in June last year and are now behind bars.

A sixth person who was also convicted and sentenced to 17 years jail remains at large.

“We had two men to arrest, but now we arrested one and the other is Soy Khna,” said Kheng Tito.

Morn Charkriya was released the day after her kidnapping following private negotiations between her parents and the kidnappers.

Sou Phirin, Siem Reap provincial governor, said at the time that they met the plotters’ ransom demand, which included money and the release from custody of a suspected co-conspirator.

Local media reported that the kidnappers demanded US$150,000 and the release of a co-conspirator, but that Morn Samon negotiated the price down to $80,000.

Chok Channy fled after the incident, but the provincial court issued a warrant on June 16, which helped secure his arrest, Kheng Tito said.

Morn Samon said today he was aware that Chok Channy had been apprehended, but did not know further details about the status of the case.

He said authorities had detained five kidnappers at the time but released an underage suspect.

Provincial prosecutor Touch Chanphakdey could not be reached today.

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