Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Police Blotter: 25 Jan 2011

via CAAI

Tuesday, 25 January 2011 15:01 Phak Seangly

Student shot while resisting muggers
An 18-year-old student was shot three times during a mugging in an empty lot in Phnom Penh’s Russei Keo district on Friday night. According to a witness, the victim was sitting on a motorbike flirting with his girlfriend at about 7:30pm, when three men approached them on a motorcycle, threatening them with a gun and making off with the motorbike and three mobile phones. As one of the robbers was escaping on the stolen motorbike, the victim tried to grab it back and was shot three times in the waist. The victim has been hospitalised. KAMPUCHEA THMEY

Police link dead body to electric wire thefts
A man found the rotten corpse of an 18-year-old man while he was clearing bush beside an electrical pole on Sunday in Battambang province’s Battambang town. Police said the dead man went missing about a week ago, after he left home on January 16 with two friends. His 42-year-old mother reported him missing, and police suspect that the man climbed the electricity pylon to steal electrical wires and was electrocuted. Police said that electrical wires in that area are often stolen. KOH SANTEPHEAP

Moto-dop arrested for raping deaf woman
Russei Keo district police arrested a 29-year-old moto-taxi driver on January 18, after he was accused of raping a deaf-mute woman while she was taking bath at her Koh Dach commune home on January 13. According to police, the man secretly entered the bathroom, where the victim was bathing alone, and raped her. She tried to protect herself from the rape, but was not successful until her younger brother intervened and the rapist fled. KOH SANTEPHEAP

Dance party erupts into violence in Kampot
Police in Kampot province’s Teuk Chhou district on Saturday arrested two men, aged 19 and 20, after they allegedly stabbed a 19-year-old man while they were dancing at a party on Friday night. Police said the men were accused of intentionally injuring the victim with a knife. The incident occurred when two groups of men were dancing at the party, and a man from one of the groups accidentally stepped on the foot of a man from another group, who lashed out at his opponent and was then stabbed with a knife. The suspects escaped from the scene, but were apprehended the next morning. Police said that the men are being detained at the district police station. RASMEY KAMPUCHEA

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