Friday, 7 January 2011

Seven Thai Detainees Wait For Cambodian Court's Verdicts

via CAAI

BANGKOK, Jan 6 (Bernama) -- Seven Thai nationals, including a ruling Democrat Party MP Panich Vikitsreth who have been detained in Phnom Penh, Cambodia's capital, on charges of illegal entry into the Cambodian territory since they were arrested by Cambodian border soldiers last week, are hearing verdicts against them being delivered by a Phnom Penh court on Thursday, reports Thai News Agency (TNA).

The seven Thai detainees left Prey Sor Prison in the Cambodian capital early morning Thursday and arrived in prisoners' attire at the Phnom Penh Court at 7.33 am local time.

All of them seemed to be in good health and the Democrat MP was apparently in good spirit.

The seven Thais were set to testify before the court individually. Reporters are not allowed to sit in; while the verdict is being delivered.

Chiv Keng, head of the Phnom Penh court, told reporters that the court would try to finish all the seven hearings and hand their verdicts by Thursday as Friday is a public holiday in Cambodia, the day commemorates the Cambodian government overcame rebellious Khmer Rouge forces 32 years ago.

A deputy Cambodian attorney told a TNA reporter that Veera Somkwamkid, a leading activist of the yellow-shirt People's Alliance for Democracy or PAD who is one of the seven Thai detainees, could be additionally charged with espionage after the court found new evidence against him.

The Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent two lawyers to Phnom Penh to assist the seven Thai nationals and to seek their release on bail.

Relatives of the Thai detainees are also at the court waiting for the judicial verdicts.

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