Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Sex crime: 60-year-old questioned over rape

via CAAI

Tuesday, 11 January 2011 15:01 Buth Reaksmey Kongkea

Sex crime

A 60-YEAR-OLD man with severe physical disabilities had been arrested on suspicion of raping a 5-year-old girl in Kampong Thom province’s Baray district, police said yesterday.

Um Chin, deputy district military police chief, said the suspect was arrested on Sunday evening following a complaint filed by the alleged victim’s family. He said the suspect, a neighbour of the girl, who has polio and is unable to walk due to severe disfigurement in both legs, had lured the victim into his house with the promise of cake.

“The reason this polio man was able to rape her is because she stayed alone while her parents went to work in the village,” Um Chin said.

“And she was raped after she was called to enter into the man’s house for cake.” He said the suspect had been sent to the provincial police for questioning.

Kun Sitha, provincial coordinator for the rights group Adhoc, said the case was one of the most serious she had heard of in Kampong Thom, and called for the court to “strongly punish this old man”.

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