Thursday, 13 January 2011

Television ad production increases in Cambodia

via CAAI

January 12, 2011

Cambodia is slowly shifting away from repackaged foreign television advertisements to Cambodian-produced ads, which are increasing their presence on local television, local media reported on Wednesday, citing production companies and advertisers.

Ad producers say that in recent years, the sophistication of the advertising sector has grown and ads budgets have risen, prompting more local companies to opt for television ads, and more international companies to turn toward Cambodian-produced ads for the growing local market.

"There are more commercials produced locally now than before. Before, they just took the foreign ads and just overdubbed it with Khmers," the Cambodia Daily quoted Rick Lore, creative director of Avalon Production House as saying. Rick Lore added that his company produced 20 percent more TV ads in 2010 than in 2009.

Bunseng Chuor, creative managing director of Satra Multimedia was quoted as saying that he has more interest in Cambodian- produced ads, and his company has seen its profits increase 10-20 percent from 2009 to 2010.

While he attributed some of this to improvement in the economy, he said that over the years more companies are recognizing that Cambodian companies can produce television ads and can answer the growing demand.

Eung Song Leap, general manager of Rasmey Hang Meas film production, was quoted as saying that the increase is also a response to the desire of Cambodians to see fellow Cambodians selling them their products.

Even so, Kimhak To, managing director of Ads Com advertising, said locally produced ads reflect the relatively small budgets, compared to international ads.

"One good quality spot could cost between 40,000 U.S. dollars to 50,000 dollars. But some only pay 400 U.S. dollars to 500 dollars," he was quoted as saying. "We have to produce a local spot with international quality."


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