Thursday, 27 January 2011

"Yellow Shirts" Continue Protest on Border Issue with Cambodia

via CAAI

Hundreds of "yellow shirt" protesters took to the streets for the second day on Wednesday, setting up a stage in the middle of the street near government offices.

They threaten a prolonged protest if the government fails to revoke an agreement with Cambodia aimed at solving a long-running border dispute.

Also know as the People’s Alliance for Democracy, they’re backing a campaign calling on Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to revoke a 2000 Memorandum of Understanding with Cambodia. In it, Thailand agreed to help settle a long-running dispute over demarcation of their shared border.

The protesters say Prime Minister Abhisit has been weak on the issue, and accuse him of being a traitor for failing to evict Cambodian settlers from the disputed border area.

Abhisit has refused to revoke the memorandum, saying it would endanger ties between the historic foes and could lead to conflict between troops stationed on the militarized border.

[Praphan Koongmee, Yellow Shirt Spokesman]:
"Whatever people think, and whatever the result of this rally is, the Thai government has to answer to Thai society."

On Monday police arrested five men in possession of unauthorized firearms and homemade bombs close to the site of the yellow shirts’ rally.

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