Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Cambodian child, 5, dies of bird flu

Katy Light

Cherokee County Backyard Poultry Examiner
via CAAI
February 15th, 2011
The World Health Organization has confirmed that a five year old child from Phnom Penh in Cambodia died from bird flu in early February.

According to an investigation, she had been exposed to sick poultry a week before she became ill.

Her death brings the Cambodian total of fatalities due to the disease to 9.

So far in 2011, only Egypt and Cambodia have reported deaths due to H5N1.

A comprehensive list of reported cases and fatalities from the World Health Organization (WHO) can be found here.

What can you do you keep your farm safe?

There are shows, swaps, sales and auctions regularly throughout the North Georgia, Atlanta and Cherokee County areas. If you choose to visit one of these, practice good biosecurity by ensuring that the clothes and boots you wear are thoroughly disinfected and do not come into contact with your own birds at home, and any birds you purchase from these places must be adequately quarantined to check for illess or disease.

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