Thursday, 3 February 2011

Good work continues, this time in Cambodia

via CAAI


Mere Smith was no stranger to going without luxuries, after growing up in the backblocks of Northland, but that'll be nothing compared with what she's about to experience in Cambodia.

Ms Smith is one of 14 Wintec staff heading off Siem Reap tomorrow as part of Habitat for Humanity's New Zealand Global Village Team.

The group will likely be building an ablution block in one of city's villages or communes – but won't know exactly what task they'll undertake until they arrive on Sunday.

But the not knowing what's in store isn't worrying Ms Smith – who works at Wintec's School of Education.

"I grew up having to use a long drop [toilet] and having no phones – so I'm used to no luxuries," she said.

"I know how to use a hammer, so I'm willing to give it a go. I'm not afraid of hard work."

The one-week build is part of Habitat's Housing and Community Development Project, which is delivering housing solutions for 400 families through the construction of houses, repairs and renovations, improvements to water and sanitation, and skills training.

It's the third time Wintec has sent staff on an international Habitat for Humanity building.

In 2006 they sent a team to India and 2008 they went to Vietnam.

Business School senior lecturer Sukh Deo – who is off to Cambodia – was part of the India team.

Mr Deo, a Fijian-born Indian, said he enjoyed that experience.

The group built about six houses in a city called PondiCherry – south of Chennai – which was devastated by the Boxing Day tsunami in 2005.

"It was great to go and do my bit to help out."

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