Friday, 18 February 2011

Human rights: Uganda, Yemen, Thai-Cambodian border

via CAAI

Human rights − 17-02-2011 - 16:52
Plenary sessions

Discrimination against homosexuals in Uganda, the persecution of juvenile offenders in Yemen and border clashes between Thailand and Cambodia were all the subject of urgent debates and resolutions at the European Parliament on Thursday.

Thai-Cambodian border

Parliament also adopted a resolution condemning the border clashes between the armed forces of Thailand and Cambodia and urging both parties to reduce tension, resume dialogue and accept the assistance offered by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), currently chaired by Indonesia.

The temple of Preah Vihear, listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage site, has been the centre of recurring boundary disputes between the two countries. MEPs welcome UNESCO's decision to send a special envoy to the area and the fact that Thailand and Cambodia have agreed to participate in an urgent ASEAN meeting.

At a press conference today, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen announced his intention to offer a permanent cease-fire with Thailand at the ASEAN meeting on 22 February.

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