Sunday, 6 February 2011

Kasit, Cambodian counterpart insists good bilateral ties

via CAAI

Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya and his Cambodian counterpart Hor Namhong Friday insisted to use the Thailand-Cambodia Joint Boundary Commission (JBC) as a key mechanism to develop good bilateral ties.

Kasit met Hor Namhong in Siem Reap Friday morning both in a four-eye meeting and the JBC meeting.

Kasit talked to his Cambodian counterpart for 20 minutes before the JBC meeting began at 8:45 am.

Hor Namhong opened the meeting by saying the JBC meetings helped the two countries improve bilateral ties very fast.

Hor Namhong said results of the JBC meetings would be used as guidelines for improving the ties of the two countries.