Wednesday, 16 February 2011

The Phnom Penh Post News in Brief

via CAAI

More building firms

Wednesday, 16 February 2011 15:00 Soeun Say

Cambodia approved 124 construction companies to operate in 2010, an increase on the 118 approved in 2009, according to the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction. Speaking at the ministry’s Annual Conference 2010, ministry construction department director Lao Tip Seiha said the Kingdom had 945 construction firms in operation at present, with 750 being Cambodian owned.

CPP delays draft laws for opposition: report

Wednesday, 16 February 2011 15:00 Vong Sokheng

Opposition parliamenta- rians within the Cambodian People’s Party-controlled National Assembly have been denied early access to draft legislation reviewed by the body, according to a new Parliamentary Watch report by local election monitor COMFREL. The report, based on data compiled between October and December last year, found that opposition party lawmakers received copies of draft laws only two or three days prior to review and debate by the Assembly.

Villagers file complaint against three ‘soldiers’

Wednesday, 16 February 2011 15:00 May Titthara

About 60 families in Kampong Cham province filed a complaint with Dambe district and provincial authorities yesterday, calling for action against three soldiers who they say stopped them from clearing vegetation on the community’s land. Chhin Yong, a village farmer, said the unknown soldiers on Monday seized their farming tools, including knives and hammers, before banning them from working in the fields. Dambe district governor Soy Sophat confirmed that he had received a verbal request from the villagers and that he would take action to investigate the allegation. “I don’t know if the three are soldiers or if they are just wearing uniforms to enter territory illegally,” he said.

Drunken police officer kills one, injures two

Wednesday, 16 February 2011 15:00 Chhay Channyda

A provincial deputy commander of the military police in Ratanakkiri province has been released on bail after killing one motorist and severely injuring a second while driving home drunk from a party. Chhin Then, deputy chief of the provincial traffic police in Ratanakkiri, said Deputy Commander Men Savy was not arrested following the incident on February 12 to allow him to secure compensation for the victims. “We released him on bail because he had to find money. If we followed the law [to arrest him], would there be anyone to pay compensation?” He said Men Savy paid US$5,050 to all the victims and an additional 1 million riel to the family of the dead motorist, Chhin Then added that the case would be submitted to the provincial court for legal action.

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