Sunday, 20 February 2011

PAD: Ceasefire agreement ‘dangerous’

via CAAI

Published: 20/02/2011

The border truce agreement made by the Thai and Cambodian generals on Saturday is dangerous as it will make Thailand lose its territory, spokesman of the yellow-shirt people group Panthep Puapongpan claimed on Sunday.

At a press conferen held at Makkhawan Rangsan rally site, Mr Panthep said the eight conditions under the ceasefire deal, including no more troops are to be deployed in the conflict zones and no building or structure of any kind may be constructed inside the disputed 4.6 square kilometer border zone, would lead to a permanent lose of Thai soil.

He claimed that the truce agreement has put Thailand in an underdog situation.

Core leader of the People’s Alliance for Democracy Maj Gen Chamlong Srimuang said the eight conditions would only allow Cambodia to 100 per cent occupy the disputed border area.

Other points of the ceasefire deal, took effect from Saturday, are; the existing troops stationed in the conflict zones must not move; no heavy armaments and artillery in the conflict areas may be moved; neither side may attack the other using heavy weaponry; no more military bunkers are to be built, no more road construction is allowed; and the senior military officers of both countries are to communicate via a dedicated mobile phones hotline in discussing border issue.

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