Friday, 18 February 2011

The Phnom Penh Post News in Brief

via CAAI

Man detained over rape of 12-year-old girl

Thursday, 17 February 2011 15:01 Sen David

Thma Koul district police on Tuesday arrested a man attempting to flee Battambang province after allegedly raping a 12-year-old girl. Thma Koul district Police Chief Yem Vichet said yesterday that Phan Mab, 19, raped the girl in a bush about eight metres from her house. “The victim’s parents were not at home,” he said. Koy Heang, director of the provincial Anti-Human Trafficking and Juvenile Protection Bureau, said yesterday that Phan Mab would be sent to court today.

Meanchey district police arrest three for drugs

Thursday, 17 February 2011 15:01 Sen David

Meanchey district police arrested an American man and two Vietnamese women on suspicion of illegal drug use and smuggling during a raid earlier this week in Chak Angre Leu commune. Hy Narin, chief of district police, said the arrests were the result of a long investigation between police and local authorities, and that five packages of a powdered drug and 50 pills, as well as other paraphernalia, were seized in the raid. “Meanchey police detained them and they will be sent to court for charging,” Hy Narin said.

Lightning strike kills one man, two cows

Thursday, 17 February 2011 15:01 Kim Yuthana

A lighting strike during dry season rains killed a 22-year-old man and his two cows in Kampong Speu province’s Oral district. Som Putdara, Oral district military police commander, identified the man as Nhem Peah from Lvea Te village, and said he died instantly alongside his cows as he drove his cart back from the forest, where he was looking for firewood. Keo Vy, cabinet director of the National Committee for Disaster Management, said lightning killed 114 people and 65 animals, wounded 58 people and destroyed 3 homes last year.

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