Tuesday, 1 February 2011

PM: War the last option

via CAAI

Published: 31/01/2011

The government will persist in pursuing peaceful means to settle border disputes with Cambodia, with war the very last option, Prime MInister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Monday.

“I do believe that both the Thai and Cambodian governments will adhere to peaceful ways to resolve our border conflicts.

“My intention of using peaceful approaches to settle the border dispute does not mean that the government is afraid of a war with Cambodia.

"It is also does not mean that the government is the underdog in dealings with our neighbor, as claimed by the yellow-shirt people group.

“The use of force will be the last option and will be resorted to only when there is no other solution left,” Mr Abhisit said.

He stressed that the government is in contact with Cambodia about removing its flag from the disputed area.

On the three demands by the yellow-shirt People’s Alliance for Democracy, Mr Abhisit said the demands would only lead to more damage to the country, instead of any benefit.

“If the government decided to withdraw from Unesco's World Heritage Committee today, there would be no Thai representatives to oppose Cambodia’s plan to also list the area near Preah Vihear temple as a world heritage site.

“Would the yellow-shirts accept responsibility for the foreseeable consequences? My decision on the issue is for the benefit of the country, not for self interest,” Mr Abhisit said.

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