Saturday, 19 February 2011

Police Blotter: 18 Feb 2011

via CAAI

Friday, 18 February 2011 15:01 Sen David

Gangster dance party ends in murder
Police in Takeo’s Prey Kabbas district said that a 22-year-old man died during a fight between “gangsters” at a village dance party on Monday. Police said that it was not the first time that they had fought each other. Two groups of “gangsters” joined the party and danced together when an argument broke out and they fought each other with rocks and bottles, killing the man before police could intervene. The suspects escaped and police are investigating the case.

Snake attack possible cause for man’s death
AN unknown dead man was found in Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district on Tuesday. Police said the man’s body was found dead in the bush and was reported to the police. Police said that the man had been dead for more than five days based on odour. Police concluded the death wasn’t related to any crime because there was no evidence to support foul play. Neighbours said they usually saw the man intoxicated and police concluded that he might have stumbled into the forest drunk and got bitten by a snake. His body has been sent to a pagoda.

Victim escapes from attempted rape
A 21-YEAR-OLD man was arrested for attempted rape in Kandal’s Mok Kampoul district on Sunday. Police said the victim was alone when the suspect entered her home through a window and attempted to rape her, but she managed to escape and file a complaint to the police because she recognised his face. The suspect said that he was drunk and fell in love with the victim, so he tried to rape her.

Woman attempts to kill herself with poison
A 26-YEAR-OLD woman attempted suicide by ingesting poison and was immediately sent to hospital in Kampong Chhnang’s Teuk Phos district on Sunday. Police said that a neighbour saw the victim get ill so he rushed her to hospital. Police said that she was still alive and the reason for the suicide attempt was that she was angry with her husband, who did not take care of her and her family.

Thieves nabbed in Battambang city
TWO men were arrested after they snatched a victim’s necklace in Battambang city on Monday. Police said that the robbery occurred while the victim was driving home, causing her to fall off her motorbike. The suspects escaped and the victim was sent to hospital. The next day police apprehended them and they confessed to the crime, and found they had been convicted of robberies before. They have since been sent to court.

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