Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Police Blotter: 31 Jan 2011

via CAAI

Monday, 31 January 2011 15:02 Phak Seangly

Serial thief nabbed a month after parole
A 30-year-old man was rearrested on Wednesday after he was accused of stealing a motorbike in Battambang province’s Battambang town. Police said a 24-year-old robbery victim saw the suspect driving his motorcycle towards Phnom Penh, where the suspect was allegedly attempting to sell it. He reported the case to police, and four hours later they apprehended the suspect, who confessed that he had just been released from a one-year jail term for robbery. During his month out of jail, he said he committed three robberies in Battambang town. Police sent him to the provincial court.

Man bludgeoned in dance floor fracas
A 33-year-old man died on Wednesday at the Banteay Meanchey provincial hospital after his 36-year-old brother in-law attacked him with a wooden stick when they were dancing together at a small party at their home in Phnom Srok district. According to police, both men were completely drunk and the brother-in-law suddenly sat down on the dance floor. The victim leapt over him, which made his relative furious. He grabbed a wooden stick, hitting the victim several times in the head. The victim was hospitalised but died from serious injuries. The perpetrator escaped and police are looking for him.

Student’s body turns up in Battambang town
A grade 12 student was found dead at a garbage dump at about 5:40pm on Friday in Battambang province’s Battambang town, a month after he was reported missing. Police said that the victim, 19, was stabbed five times and had his throat slit with a knife. A 44-year-old man, who claimed to be the father of the victim, said that his son was stubborn and had relationships with bad people. Police concluded that the death could have been caused by rancour, and they are working to arrest the perpetrator.

Three arrested over rapes of teenagers
Three of a group of six men were arrested on Wednesday after a 17-year-old filed a complaint with police accusing the men of raping her and a friend in Takeo province’s Prey Kabbas district on January 18. According to police, two of the six men took the victims to the resort, where four other men were drinking sour wine. She said both women were raped before the men left the scene. At first, the woman did not want to lodge a complaint because it wouldn’t be good for their reputation, but the rapists had already told other villagers about what they had done. After the complaint was filed, police arrested the three men, who were sent to the provincial court after confessing to the rape.

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