Friday, 11 February 2011

Russia, France, China and India support Cambodia's legal resolution to the Khmer-Thai congflict

By Khmerization
Source: Kampuchea Thmey

via CAAI

The Kampuchea Themy Daily reported that Russia, China, France and India have offered their supports to Cambodia's position to have the Khmer-Thai border conflict resolved through legal channels and France has offered to make available Cambodia-Thai border maps to any nations interested to have them. However, Thailand has rejected France's offer outright.

Thai troops had provoked a fight: Front line troops reported that at 10 p.m on Wednesday night, 9th February, Thai troops attempted to provoke a fight by throwing hand grenades at Cambodian troops at Phnom Trop, but Cambodian troops did not respond. The next morning, on Thursday 10th, Thai troops had thrown 3 more grenades at Cambodian troops, but, again, they did not respond.

At 3:10 p.m yesterday, Thai fighter jets had flown very close to Cambodian borders and over Preah Vihear temple.

Thai residents at Sisaket opposed visit of yellow shirts: Thai residents of Sisaket province has staged a small protest against the planned visit of the Thai yellow shirt People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) to area. The residents blamed the PAD for causing the fighting with Cambodian troops which have brought them troubles and affected their life and livelihood.

They have held placards saying:

1. Your group has created the war.
2. You have caused misery for our families.
3. You are not welcomed here.

In Sakeo, opposite Cambodia's Banteay Meanchey province where 7 Thai trespassers were arrested on 29th December by Cambodian troops, there are also protests by local villagers against the PAD.

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