Tuesday, 8 February 2011

TV troop fund

Photo by: Heng Chivoan
Cambodian troops aim a mortar near the Preah Vihear border yesterday.

via CAAI

Monday, 07 February 2011 19:36 Chhay Channyda

Fundraising campaigns to provide support to frontline soldiers on the Cambodian-Thai border have been launched by two private television stations, Prime Minister Hun Sen announced today.
Cambodian Television Network announced its fund on Sunday and Bayon station began its effort this morning.

Tok Kimsay, head of CTN’s fund drive, said its appeal for monetary donations will provide the military with money to purchase food and equipment, adding that some money will reportedly be given directly to soldiers.

Tok Kimsay did not provide any details of the amount raised because the appeal is ongoing.

Speaking at a university graduation ceremony today, Hun Sen encouraged people to donate, saying: “Cambodians who do not fight can promote solidarity between front-line soldiers facing enemies and civilians by contributing through these funds.”

Bayon TV presenter Eng Rithy said the fund is for Cambodians to show their support for soldiers and does not imply that the government cannot provide military support.

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