Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Vietnam and Cambodia strengthen co-operation


via CAAI


(VOV) - Hoang Binh Quan, a Party Central Committee (PCC)’s member and the Head of the PCC Commission for Foreign Affairs paid a two-day visit to Cambodia on February 14-15.

He met with Cambodian King, Norodom Sihamoni; President of Cambodian People’s Party (PPC) and President of Senate, Chea Sim; Vice President of PPC and Prime Minister, Hun Sen; and the Chairman of Cambodian National Assembly, Heng Samrin.

At the meetings, Quan conveyed best regards of Vietnamese Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and other Party and State leaders to Cambodian Party and State leaders. He briefed them on the fine results of the 11th National Party Congress and affirmed that the congress’s resolutions encompass all the theoretical ad practical issues on building socialism and national construction in 25 years of the renewal process, 20 years of implementing the Party political platform, 10 years of implementing the socio-economic development strategy in the 2001-2010 period and five years of implementing the 10th National Party Congress.

Quan reaffirmed that Vietnam always did its utmost to build a long-term friendship and co-operation with Cambodia.

Cambodian leaders congratulated Vietnam on the success of the 11th National Party Congress and Nguyen Phu Trong on his new position. They expressed their hope that under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the country would obtain more achievements in the process of becoming a modern industrialised country in 2020.

They expressed their gratitude for Vietnam’s support for Cambodia’s struggles for independence and escaping of Pol Pot genocide to restore and develop the country. They committed themselves to strengthening the ties of traditional friendship, comprehensive cooperation and long lasting relations with Vietnam.

During his stay in Cambodia, Quan also held talks with Sai Chhum, head of the CPP Standing Committee.

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