Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Police Blotter: 29 Mar 2011

via CAAI

Tuesday, 29 March 2011 15:01Sen David

Elderly man found dead after missing a month
The bodyof a 78-year-old man was found in the bushes in an area of Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district on Saturday. Police said that a boy was walking home when he found the corpse and immediately alerted police. Police said the man had been dead for one month and they managed to locate the deceased man’s wife who said that he lived in Phnom Penh’s Tuol Kork district and had been missing for two months. Police concluded that no foul play had taken place and that the victim had suffered from an unknown disease.

Drug duo arrested in trafficking swoop
POLICE in Battambang city arrested two drug trafficking suspects on Saturday. Police said that they were arrested while in the process of selling an unknown quantity of drugs to numerous customers and admitted to selling drugs on various occasions over the past few months in Battambang. Police have sent them to court and are searching for more drug trafficking and drug abuse suspects involved in the case.

Driver almost killed in drunken moto accident
A 32-YEAR-OLD man was severely injured in a traffic accident on Friday. Police said that he drove his motorbike home and on the way another motorbike crashed into him. The victim nearly died but fortunately he was sent to the hospital immediately and managed to survive. The suspects escaped and police say the blame rests solely with them because they were drunk and driving erratically.

Illegal wood transport suspects arrested
TWO men were arrested after they illegally transported luxury wood taken from a national park near Pursat city on Friday. Police said that police seized 19 pieces of luxury wood and a car the suspects used in the theft, after stopping them in a national park. The suspects claimed they were not selling the wood and were merely transporting for a fee of $25 each. The suspects were then sent to the provincial forest administration and later sent to court.

Barking blocks burglars in Battambang city
MILITARY police in Battambang city arrested three thieves who attempted to rob a victim’s house on Saturday. Police said that six suspects attempted to rob the victim after waiting outside the house and three of them jumped over the victim’s fence, but luckily the victim’s dog barked and alerted him to the attempted robbery. Police were called immediately and three of the suspects were arrested while the other three escaped.

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