Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Thais discriminates against Khmer: Samdech PM Hun Sen

via CAAI

Tuesday, 29 March 2011 03:04 By Chan Virak

Cambodia Samdech Prime Minister Hun Sen on Monday said that some Thais have showed the manner of discrimination against Khmer when the Khmer have travelled or visited in Thailand.

“Some Thai Taxi drivers asked about the identity of people when they know the passengers as Khmer, they told them to get out from the taxi,” Samdech told the graduation ceremony of a university in Phnom Penh.

“I also raised the issue with the outgoing Thai ambassador while he paid the courtesy call, he stress. The ambassador asked me to provide the safety for Thai businesspeople here,” Samdech said. I told him back Cambodia needs Thai investors and businesspeople and their safeties were guaranteed and protected,” Samdech explained.

Sopheak Ly, a DJ for a local radio station in Phnom Penh said that he was kicked off the bus in Aranyaprateth of Thailand while he planned to travel to Bangkok. I showed my passport. The driver knows me as Khmer, he told me to get off the bus. i complained with our border police and they will raised the issue with Thai police, he said.

Last week, Thai officials at border gates with Pailin province of Cambodia banned Cambodia’s products to Thailand with accusation of disqualified products. Cambodia officials urged to have fair business connection between two countries. If they banned Cambodian products, Cambodia has rights to block their products. At Choam Sa- ngam border gate of Oddar Mean Chey province, Cambodia blocked Thai products.

Last year, a Khmer boy burned alive by Thai soldiers while he entered Thailand illegally. Cambodian government urged Thai side to use international norms and laws for that issue in the processing of implementing the human rights.

Thai troop invaded Cambodian soil on July 15, 2008 near 11 century Khmer Preah Vihear temple by using own map a week after Cambodia enlisted the temple successfully as world heritage site.

Thailand’s intention plans to block the temple from development and conservation. In 1962, the world court ruled that the temple located in Khmer territory. So all Thai soldiers removed from the temple and before leaving, Thai troops destroyed statues and stolen a wall of Khmer inscription.

On, Feb 4-7, fresh fighting occurred and Thai troops damaged some parts of the temple. The UNESCO calls for the meeting for both sides in Paris in May.

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