Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Vietnamese, Cambodian NAs boost ties

via CAAI


The Vietnamese and Cambodian National Assemblies should strengthen coordination and create the most favourable legal framework for bilateral cooperation.

This statement was made by NA Vice Chairman Nguyen Duc Kien while receiving a delegation from the Cambodian NA’s Commission for Education, Youth and Sports, Cults, Religious Affairs, Culture and Tourism led by its chairman Mom Chim Huy in Hanoi on March 1.

Kien suggested the two NAs pay attention to popularisation and education work so that Vietnamese and Cambodian people, especially young generations, will continuously preserve and promote the fine traditional relationship between the two countries.

He expressed his wish that the two countries’ ministries, agencies and localities would strengthen exchanges and take specific measures to further their multifaceted cooperation, especially in economics, trade, investment, culture and education.

He also affirmed Vietnam’s consistent policy to attach importance to developing ties with Cambodia, for the interests of each country’s people and for peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world at large.

The NA Vice Chairman acknowledged fine developments in the relationship between the two NAs in the past, saying that they helped boost the traditional friendship, neighbourly relations and comprehensive cooperation between the two nations.

He thanked the Cambodian NA’s active support for Vietnam as the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) Chair during the 2009-2010 term and expressed his belief that the Cambodian NA would fulfill its role excellently as the AIPA Chair during the 2010-2011 term and successfully host the 32nd AIPA Assembly in the country this September.

For his part, Chairman Mom Chim Huy affirmed the Cambodian NA’s wish and determination to consolidate and further strengthen the exchange and cooperation between the commissions in particular and between the two legislative bodies of the two countries in general.

He stated that the bilateral cooperation between Cambodia and Vietnam has strongly developed in all fields, with two-way trade reaching US$1.8 billion in 2010. Vietnamese businesses have invested around US$2 billion in Cambodia.

On the same day, the Cambodian NA delegation held talks with a delegation from the Vietnamese NA’s Committee for Culture, Education, Youth and Children headed by its chairman Dao Trong Thi. The two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation and experience exchange in several fields.

During their stay in Vietnam from February 28 to March 5, the Cambodian delegation will work with leaders of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Ministry of Education and Training and the Government Committee on Religious Affairs. They also plan to pay a working visit to the northern province of Bac Ninh.


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