Monday, 25 April 2011

AKP - The Agence Kampuchea Press

via CAAI

Statement of the Spokesman of the Ministry of National Defense

Phnom Penh, April 25, 2011 AKP –

The following is the statement of the Spokesman of the Ministry of National Defense over Thai aggression against Cambodia released this morning:  


Vietnamese Premier Concludes Visit to Cambodia

Phnom Penh, April 25, 2011 AKP –

Vietnamese Prime Minister H.E. Nguyen Tan Dung and his delegation have concluded successfully their working visit to Cambodia.

Before leaving for Vietnam, the Vietnamese prime minister co-chaired, with Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, the second Cambodia-Vietnam Investment Promotion Conference held on Apr. 24 to boost the bilateral trade and investment ties between the two countries.

Speaking at the conference, the Cambodian premier appreciated all achievements in all fields gained by government and people of Vietnam in the national development of Vietnam.

The Cambodian royal government stood shoulder to shoulder with private sectors, considering them as a vital role in the national growth for the national progress in Cambodia, the Cambodian premier said.

He asked the Vietnamese businesspersons to hold talks with Cambodian investors with the aim of joining together for the success of the investment project in pattern of bauxite exploitation project and Cho Ray Hospital project.

He also said the Cambodian government is making every effort to create a transparent investment environment for the Vietnamese business by simplifying administrative procedures and combating corruption. He called on them to increase their investment in Cambodia.

For his part, the Vietnamese prime minister proposed that the two governments maintain an effective dialogue mechanism to help businesses in the two countries iron out snags and promote business activities.

The Vietnamese government and related ministries and agencies have created incentives for Cambodian businesses to invest in Vietnam and encourage Vietnamese investors to expand business in Cambodia, the Vietnamese premier said.

He also asked Vietnamese businesses operating in Cambodia to comply with the country’s laws, manners and customs, and pay attention to ensuring employment and social welfare as well as reducing poverty.

In 2010, trade revenues between Vietnam and Cambodia hit more than US$1.8 billion, up more than 37 percent from the previous year. Vietnam also invested over US$2 billion in nearly 90 projects in Cambodia. Almost 470,000 Vietnamese tourists visited Cambodia in 2010.

During his two-day stay in Cambodia, H.E. Nguyen Tan Dung was received in a royal audience by His Majesty King-Father Preah Bat Norodom Sihanouk; paid courtesy calls on Samdech Akka Moha Thamma Pothisal Chea Sim, Acting Head of State, and H.E. Nguon Nhel, Acting President of the National Assembly; and held official talks with Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen.

The Vietnamese prime minister also co-presided over with Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen the Opening Ceremony of the Headquarters of Cambodia-Vietnam Securities. –AKP

By THOU Peou


First South Korean Volunteers Arrive in Cambodia

Phnom Penh, April 25, 2011 AKP –

An 18-member group of Korean volunteers have arrived here recently to fulfill their two-year mission in Cambodia.

According to Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), the Korean volunteers have been now attending a two-month Khmer language as well as Khmer food and tradition training courses in Phnom Penh.

Once the courses completed, the Korean volunteers, the first group to arrive in Cambodia in 2011, will play important roles in helping training human resource in Cambodia’s educational institutions in the provinces of Koh Kong, Takeo, Kampong Chhnang, Battambang, Banteay Meanchey, Pursat, Rattanakiri, Kampong Thom, Preah Sihanouk and Mondulkiri. –AKP

By LIM Nary


Cambodia’s “Kingdom Beer” Wins Le Monde Selection Gold medal

Phnom Penh April 25, 2011 AKP –

Kingdom Breweries (Cambodia) Ltd. has announced recently that “Kingdom Beer” won a gold medal from the International Institute for Quality Selection, Le Monde Selection, in Brussels, Belgium.

The announcement was made by Mr. Peter Brongers, CEO of Kingdom Breweries (Cambodia) Ltd., during a press conference held here last Friday.

It is the first time for Cambodia’s brewery to get such a prestige and award, he said, adding that the excited achievement is not only for Kingdom Breweries (Cambodia) Ltd, which has just started its business in the country six months ago, but for the entire Cambodian people.

People know that Cambodia is one of the best world’s tourist destinations, but they have never heard about Cambodia’s products and trademark, he said, stressing that this reward will reflect that Cambodian products and trademark can compete with other good products over the world.

The Awards Ceremony will be held in Brussels on May 24 in the presence of various ambassadors and many distinguished guests.

“Kingdom Beer” was among 100 different beers to join the international competition held in Brussels to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Independence Committee of the International Institute for Quality Selection.

Le Monde Selection was founded in 1961. Its mission is to test consumer products – beers, wines, soft drink, etc; – and grant them a bronze, silver, gold or grand gold quality award. –AKP

Article in Khmer by CHIM Nary
Article in English by Noeu


Vietnam Leading Fertilizer Maker to Expand its Activities in Cambodia

Phnom Penh, April 25, 2011 AKP –

Activity expansion of Petrovietnam fertilizer maker PVFCCo will significantly contribute to the commitment of the Royal Government of Cambodia to export one-million-ton rice to the international markets by 2015, said Deputy Director of Cambodian Rice Production Department (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) Mr. Pich Rumnea.

Mr. Rumanea made the remark in Apr. 23 official gathering of PVFCCo or Petrovietnam Fertilizer and Chemicals Corp. at Cambodiana hotel to scale up its technical rice growing training activities for Cambodian farmers after one-year presence in Cambodia.

PVFCCo has so far been technically supporting a number of Cambodian farmers in various provinces, including Battambang, Kampong Chhnang and Takeo to increase their rice yield using the fertilizer made by the company as high as 7-8 tons per hectare.

According to PVFCCo Vice President for Sales and Distribution Mr. Nguyen Hong Vinh, if the company can sustain its success in another three expanded provinces of Cambodia, it will formalize its office as the company’s division in the country by second quarter of 2011.

PVFCCo is a leading fertilizer maker whose supply covers almost 50 percent of Vietnam’s fertilizer demand.

Despite the difficulty and complication of the world’s economy, PVFCCo could still make appreciatory profit in the recent years.

Vietnamese Trade Counselor in Cambodia Vu Thinh Coung perceives the scale-up plan of PVFCCo as opportunity that will go beyond commercial tie to a further improved relationship between the two countries and peoples. –AKP

By MOM Chan Dara Soleil


More U.S. Support for Mine Action in Cambodia

Phnom Penh, April 25, 2011 AKP –

A United States funded building for the repair of Handheld Standoff Mine Detection System (HSTAMIDS) based in Kampong Chhnang province’s Cambodian Mine Action Center Training School was officially inaugurated on Apr. 23 under the chairmanship of CMAC Director General Heng Ratana.

“The provision of the new building with high technology is another humanitarian assistance of the United States as its contribution to mine clearance in Cambodia”, said Mr. Heng Ratana with profound thanks to the funder.

According to Program Manager at the U.S. Humanitarian Demining Research and Development Sean Burke, the U.S. is the only country with modern mine clearance facilities. HSTAMIDS is the latest facility that possesses high capacity in demining brought in to Cambodia since 2006.

The new building well equipped with all necessary facilities to repair the HSTAMIDS plays a key role to ensure efficient work of CMAC to clear mines in Cambodia.

The U.S. is a leading supporter for mine clearance action in Cambodia. The country has been supporting Cambodia in this action since 1993 with the total of almost US$21 million. –AKP

By MOM Chan Dara Soleil


Statement of the Council of Ministers over Thai Aggression against Cambodia

Phnom Penh, April 25, 2011 AKP –

The Press and Quick Reaction Unit of the Office of the Council of Ministers has issued a statement over the Thai latest aggression against Cambodia.

The full statement dated Apr. 24 reads as follows:

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