Sunday, 8 May 2011

Cambodia to mark Olympic Day with half marathon

via CAAI

PHNOM PENH, May 07, 2011 (Xinhua via COMTEX) -- Cambodia is scheduled to hold a half marathon event in Phnom Penh on June 18 to mark the Olympic Day, said a sports official on Saturday.

Vath Chamroeun, the secretary general of the National Olympic Council of Cambodia, told a press briefing that about 2,000 Cambodian and foreign amateur and professional athletes are expected to take part in the event.

The event is to celebrate the 117th anniversary of the founding of the International Olympic Committee in 1894, he said. It is also in conjunction with the World Environment Day and the birthday of Cambodian former Queen Norodom Monineath Sihanouk.

"The event is to promote affection on sports," Chamroeun said. "Also, it is to catch public attention on green environment in the city."

The race will take place at the riverside Prime Minister Hun Sen's park.

There are three different categories - 21 kilometers for professional athletes, 8 and 5 kilometers for amateurs.

The winners in 21 kilometer contest will be awarded 1,000 U.S. dollars and 700 U.S. dollars and 500 U.S. dollars for the second and third finishers respectively.

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