Thursday, 5 May 2011

Thai troops station at Thai-Cambodia border: Thai Army chief

via CAAI

BANGKOK, May 4 (Xinhua) -- Thai Army Chief General Prayut Chan- O-Cha has confirmed that Thai troops have been stationing along the Thai-Cambodian border despite ceasefire agreement has been reached, Thai National News Bureau reports on Wednesday.

General Prayut said that there might be still skirmishes along the border despite the ceasefire agreement has been reached. Therefore, military officers have been ordered to exercise maximum caution in their operation and retaliate against the Cambodian side only if necessary.

The army chief disclosed that the Cambodian side will seek a negotiation in regional commander level again in one or two days. The Thai army will reassess the situation based on whether there are further clashes after the talks. If so, further talks will no longer be needed.

General Prayut also expressed his sorrow for the deaths and injuries of Thai officers in the border clashes. He said that he did not want to see the clashes spread to other areas, adding that it was easy to win the war, but more difficult to solve its negative impact after the fighting.

The army chief added that the Thai military have prepared data gathered from each skirmish to be used as evidence if the issue is taken to the international level. In order to verify that the Thai side has never opened fire first.

The latest round of clashes between Thai and Cambodia troops have erupted on April 22, killing at least 8 Thais and injured about 80 others.

Editor: Yang Lina

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