Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Cambodia’s Clarification over Tamone Temple Complex’s Location

Phnom Penh, August 12, 2008 AKP --

The Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation issued today a press release clarifying that Tamone Temple Complex is located in Cambodian territory.

The press release reads as follow:

1. Tamone Temple Complex composed of the Temples of Tamone Toch and Tamone Thom, located in the Phnom Dangrek range, is clearly situated in the Cambodian territory.

2. According to the Procès-Verbal d’abornement, No 22 sur Sector 4 (Minutes on the Demarcation, No 22 on Sector 4) of the Commission de delimitation des frontières entre l’Indo-Chine et le Siam (Commission for the Delimitation of Frontiers between Indochina and Siam) entitled “Sentier dit Prasat Tamone” (The Route named Prasat Tamone), dated 30 December 1908 and the Planche d’Indications topographiques (The Topographic Plate Indications), Tamone Toch and Tamone Thom Temples are within the territory of Cambodia, despite the loss of the boundary pillar No 23 demarcating the border in this area.

3. Cambodia is confident that the Cambodian-Thai Joint Commission on the Demarcation of Land Boundary (JBC), which will meet in the near future, will be able to settle this matter peacefully in legal process.

4. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia, therefore, rejects any claim contrary to the legal rights of Cambodia. --AKP

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