Wednesday, 13 August 2008

King-Father Receives China's Top Political Advisor

Phnom Penh, August 12, 2008 AKP --

King-Father Norodom Sihanouk met with China's top political advisor Jia Qinglin on August 11 in Beijing, according to Chinese News Agency Xinhua.

Jia said the China-Cambodia friendship became a treasure shared by the two peoples over the past 50 years, and King-Father Norodom Sihanouk was an old and good friend known by all the Chinese people. China and Cambodia were indeed good neighbors, good friends, good brothers and good partners, as the two sides enjoy mutual trust in political field, have mutually beneficial cooperation in economic field, and support each other in international affairs, said Xinhua.

The Chinese side is willing to join hands with Cambodia to enrich and expand the bilateral relations so as to better benefit the two peoples, it added.

For his part, the Cambodian former king, who came to Beijing for the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games and a routine medical check-up, said the Cambodian royal family, government and people would adhere to the friendly relations with China and make further efforts to consolidate and develop the traditional friendship.

Cambodia and China have maintained mutual friendship and cooperation since the two countries established diplomatic relations on July 19, 1958. --AKP

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