Wednesday, 13 August 2008

The Thais are setting up fences in front of Ta Moan Thom

Cambodge Soir

Although the Bangkok-based soldiers withdrew on the 5th of August… it was to make a better comeback on the 9th and to set up fences in front of the temple.

The standoff thus continues at the Ta Moan Thom Temple. 70 Thai military troops were stationed in front of the monument on the 4th of August, before withdrawing on the next day. Once again, Bangkok and Phnom Penh disagree concerning a site located on the border between Cambodia and Thailand. Both capitals consider that this temple is located on their respective territory. “On Saturday 9th of August, ten Thai soldiers retook Ta Moan Thom”, says Sim Sokha,border protection unitdeputy commander, after being contacted by Cambodge Soir Hebdo.

According to this officer, since then they allegedly set up wooden fences in front of the temple, thus blocking the access to Cambodians. A delegation of Khmer soldiers has tried to negotiate with their Thai counterparts. The latter agreed to discuss the subject on condition that they’d take off their uniforms. The Cambodians refused to do so and turned back.

Sim Sokha assures that this new incident won’t make the situation worse: “We’re following the orders from Phnom Penh, asking us not to respond and to allow the governments to continue their work.”

Bilateral negotiations are expected to be held in the middle of August, as well in Thailand as in Cambodia, in order to find a solution to the Preah Vihear crisis and now to the one of the Ta Moan Thom temple.

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