Thursday, 14 October 2010

DAP News. Breaking News by Soy Sopheap

via CAAI

EU Marks World Disaster Risk Reduction Day

Wednesday, 13 October 2010 09:50 DAP NEWS / VIBOL

CAMBODIA, PHNOM PENH, Oct 13, 2010-The EU announced on Wednesday that it celebrated the world disaster day through marking this year's World Disaster Risk Reduction Day on 13 October 2010, and the European Union is supporting the organization of several events under the theme “Making Resilient Cities – My City is Getting Ready”, said the EU spokesman.

Mr. Mathias Eick, ECHO Regional Information Officer, East and Southeast Asia and the Pacific Region said that the events aim to enhance community awareness about disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, and especially to integrate them into Cambodia's development agenda.

“Disaster preparedness saves lives” stated Michelle Labeeu, the ChargĂ© d’ Affaires a.i. of the European Union Delegation to Cambodia. “The European Union significantly contributes to global disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation efforts by supporting communities to better prepare themselves against natural disasters.”

To enhance Disaster Risk Reduction measures in Cambodia, the European Union has this year signed contracts for projects worth over €2 million. The funding is being made available through the European Commission’s 7th Action Plan for Disaster Preparedness, launched in February 2010 with €10 million available for South East Asia.

In addition, the European Union Delegation in partnership with two EU Member States (Sweden and Denmark) has supported the establishment of the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) which will valorise Disaster Risk Reduction good practices for climate change adaptation measures and provided some € 4 million to Cambodia.

As another commitment to the Disaster Risk Reduction agenda, the European Union’s €2 million relief assistance provided to populations affected by the devastating 2009 Typhoon season included disaster preparedness activities.

To support the Cambodian effort in reducing the natural disaster, the EU through its Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department (ECHO) has since 1998 contributed some €10 million to ten international partners and local NGOs to run 33 disaster preparedness projects.

With the new funding singed in early this year will go to support the new projects implemented in nine provinces that will contribute to the capacity building of Disaster Management Committees and the Cambodian Red Cross at all levels. At the same time, the projects will focus on public information campaigns, continued testing of local early warning systems for drought and floods, integration of disaster risk reduction into the health, education and agricultural sectors, as well as into local planning. During this cycle, partners will join efforts for improved standardized approaches and training systems, coordination mechanisms at provincial level and impact assessment of previous work.

UN Secretary General to See PM Hun Sen, and Khmer Rouge Tribunal

Wednesday, 13 October 2010 09:43 DAP NEWS / VIBOL

CAMBODIA, PHNOM PENH, Oct 13, 2010-The UN secretary General Mr. Ban Kim Moon will lead a high delegation to pay an official visit to Cambodia from 26- 28 October, 2010, the statement from foreign ministry of Cambodia said on Wednesday.

It added Mr. Ban will be received in Royal audience by King Norodom Sihamoni. And Mr Ban also will hold an official talk with PM Hun Sen and during his visit; Mr. Ban also will visit the UN- Cambodia tribunal and Khmer Soviet friendship Hospital in Phnom Penh.

This is the second UN secretary general to visit Cambodia in the UN history. United Nations Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali visited Cambodia while UNTAC helps organize general election in Cambodian in 1991-1993.

Previously, PM Hun Sen revealed that he will be likely to ask Mr. Ban to be mediator for solving the border issues between Cambodia and Thailand.

Mr. Ban is former South Korean Foreign Minister who used to visit Cambodia in 2008 while he seat as foreign minister.

UN and Cambodia is strengthening fruitful cooperation and UN AIDS Committee just handed over the award for Cambodia in fighting against AIDS. Thanked UN for helping Cambodia both development and peace since 1990s.

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