Saturday, 21 February 2009

International Labour Organisation disappointed that Thach Saveth remains in prison


By Ka-set

In a statement published on Friday February 20th, the Bangkok office of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) said it was “disappointed” after the Court of Appeal of Cambodia upheld the 15-year prison sentence against Thach Saveth.

The former military had been found guilty in February 2005 of the murder of trade unionist Ros Sovannareth, killed one year earlier.

ILO has always condemned the assassination of the prominent member of the Free Trade Union of Workers of the Kingdom of Cambodia (FTUWKC) and the organisation has also repeatedly called for Thach Saveth to be released from prison and the unionist's murder be investigated “in accordance with international standards of due process, so that the true perpetrators can be brought to justice.”

ILO concludes by expressing its strong hope that an appeal will be swiftly passed to the Supreme Court for the release of Thach Saveth.

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