Saturday, 21 February 2009

Nordic Support for Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge Trial

Public viewing Pre-Trial Hearing on Khieu Samphan appeal.

By Charlotte Lund Dideriksen

The war crimes tribunal in Cambodia against five of the leaders of Khmer Rouge regime that has finally started, is supported among others by all the Nordic countries. The Nordic countries contribute not only through their contribution to the UN or through the EU but also with direct financial support of the tribunal which is officially called Extraordinary Chambers of the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).

The first accused on the stand is 65-year old former math teacher Kaeng Kek Eav, also known as the Duch, who was the inspector on the infamous prison Tuol Sleng in Phnom Penh during the totalitarian regime from 1975 to 1979 in the wake of the revolution. A lot of Cambodians, especially from the ruling class, underwent torture and a documented number of 12800 people died in the prison.

The other accused are ex-president Khieu Samphan, the former minister of foreign affairs Leng Sary, the former minister of social matters Leng Tirith, who is better known as brother number two, and chief ideologist Nuon Chea. All of them are charged for war crimes and Sirius violations on the Geneva convention.

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