Friday, 6 March 2009

The Phnom Penh Post News In Brief

In Briefs: Military sides faceoff

Written by DAN RILEY
Friday, 06 March 2009

PHNOM PENH - The remaining quarterfinals of the Samdech Hun Sen Cup 2009 will be completed at Olympic Stadium on Saturday with the military battle of Navy-affiliated Phuchoung Neak against the National Defence Ministry team at 2pm and a rematch of the 2007 Cup final that sees Naga Corp face Ranger FC at 4.15pm. Admission is free and games can be viewed live on TVK.

In Brief: Naga case planned

Written by Kay Kimsong
Friday, 06 March 2009

THE MINISTRY of Labour will investigate a labour dispute at NagaWorld Hotel and Casino after 15 employees were recently laid off, the Ministry of Labour said on Thursday. Sok Narith, head of the workers union at NagaWorld, said his colleagues demand their jobs back, not compensation. A letter from the Cambodia Tourism and Service Workers Federation to the Labour Ministry on Monday accuses NagaWorld of violating an International Labour Organisation treaty and the Kingdom's labour laws.

In Brief: Cambodia ranked 121st

Written by STEVE FINCH
Friday, 06 March 2009

CAMBODIA has been ranked 121st in the world in an ICT development index report by the International Telecommunication Union, a Geneva-based organisation linking governments and the private sector. The ranking marks an improvement on Cambodia's position in 2002, the first year of the survey, when it made 126th. The latest figures, which are for 2007, place Cambodia the lowest within the Asean region. Cambodia was placed 119th on access to ICT, 149th on usage and 123rd in terms of ICT skills.

In Brief: US agrees on military attache

Written by Sam Rith
Friday, 06 March 2009

The United States has agreed to the establishment of a military attache at the Cambodian embassy in Washington, according to government officials. The agreement was made on January 29 at the embassy, said Koy Kuong, spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. He said the establishment of a military attache would improve the US and Cambodia's military relationship and help coordinate training programs. "This shows a better relationship and confidence in one another," said Koy Kuong. According to officials at the US embassy in Phnom Penh, US military attaches had not existed in Cambodia since the beginning of the Khmer Rouge regime, but began again in 1993.

In Brief: Landmark building proposed

Written by Ngoun Sovan
Friday, 06 March 2009

A French expert has suggested that Phnom Penh's landmark building should be constructed in the Chaktomuk river intersection area. Frederic Mauret, the city's French technical expert for the 2020 municipal master plan, said Tuesday "we recommend the establishment of a cultural highrise at Chaktomuk river area. It is a unique and invaluable location and would provide an identifiable international landmark for the city, like the Sydney Opera House in Australia". Mauret further proposed the development of highrise buildings along the river in the Chaktomuk and Chroy Changvar areas. Mab Sarin, deputy governor of Phnom Penh, said that the 2020 master plan has been finalised and submitted to the Council of Ministers. "We hope the Phnom Penh municipal master plan will be approved by the government soon".

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