Friday, 6 March 2009

Retrospective of Taiwan's David Huang to open

David Huang's painting of Cambodian street life.
The Phnom Penh Post

Written by Anita Surewicz
Friday, 06 March 2009

WHILE Phnom Penh's Two Fish Gallery Cafe is well known for hosting contemporary art shows by up-and-coming young artists, this month it is the establishment's Taiwanese owner David Huang who is utilising the cafe's exhibition space.

His "Recollections" exhibit comprises 25 paintings reflecting back on Huang's early school days in Taiwan as well as the last four years of his life in Cambodia.

"Last year has been a year of a lot of change. It has also been a time of reflection. This exhibition has been born out of that reflection. A dear school friend died, and so there are two paintings from early school days in Taiwan," said Huang.

The hustle and bustle of Phnom Penh's busy street life features prominently in Huang's paintings, and the artist is quick to admit that Cambodia holds a special place in his heart and is an enormous source of inspiration.

"Cambodia has been quite a different experience for me. I've travelled to many countries in Asia, but this [place] feels different. I love the colour and the bustle around me," Huang said.

Huang opened the Two Fish Gallery in 2006 to support Asian art by providing exhibition space for work produced by artists living or working in the region.

Prior to settling in Phnom Penh, Huang's artistic inclinations took him around the world from a very young age.

He was sent to Hong Kong to study calligraphy at the tender age of 7, studied art in the United States and worked in Japan for five years.

Having led what can be described as a transient life, Huang says that he finds artistic inspiration in the changes taking place around him.

"I like travelling and absorbing things I see. My humour is a little odd, so lots of things make me laugh. I enjoy my surroundings."

"Recollections" opens at Two Fish Gallery today at 6:30pm and runs until April.

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