Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Appeal for 16 Cambodians Convicted in Thailand

Written by Administrator -- Tuesday, 20 October 2009
(Posted by CAAI News Media)

A Cambodian lawyer of 16 Cam- bodian citizens convicted by an Ubon provincial Thai court of illegal logging will file a complaint with Thailand´s Appeal Court on October 22 , accord- ing to a spokesman for the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MFAIC).

The 16 Cambodian citizens were convicted in September this year and imprisoned for between 6 and 9 years after being caught in Thailand on July 23, 2009.

“We do not yet know when the Appeal Court will hear the case but their lawyer will appeal on October 22, 2009,” Koy Kuong, MFAIC undersecretary of state, told DAP News Cambodia on Monday.

The trial at Ubon Provincial Court on September 23, 2009 was “complicated as they did not convict those citizens of encroaching illegally into Thailand´s territory, but the court questioned their aim because they were holding tools.”

The accused Cambodian citizens answered that has traveled to the forest to cut trees but lost their way and were unaware they were in Thailand where they were caught.

All citizens were arrested on July 23, 2009 near Trobeng Prasat, Oddor Meanchey province, in northwest Cambodia.

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