Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Don’t Blame Poor Countries for Climate Change: PM

Written by DAP NEWS -- Tuesday, 20 October 2009
(Posted by CAAI News Media)

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Monday said that developed countries should not blame poor countries like Cambodia for climate change problems they have not caused.

“Climate change is a global concern – all counties live under one sky – but poor counties are suffering much more than the rich counties and the poor do not cause these problems,” the premier said during the first National Forum on Climate Change at the Chaktomuk Conference Theater.

“All rich and developed counties should not blame the poor countries which are not responsible,” he said. “If you do not help, do not blame.”

Minister of Environment Mok Mareth said that global warming could cause economics losses of 20 percent with more than 200 million displaced by flooding and drought.

Ke Sovannaroth, opposition Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) secretary-general, told DAP News Cambodia on Monday that climate change would change the world. “What our party raised is to protect and benefit all.” The first National Forum on Climate Change is has been hailed as a step forward for Cambodia’s so-far lacking environmental policy.

The Cambodian Government is a signatory of the UN Convention on Climate Change and Kyoto Protocols, and Cambodia is fully aware of the impact and will continue to do its best to implement this convention and protocol, the Government has vowed.

Cambodia signed the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1995 “which reflected its awareness on the issue as well as its determination and responsibility in the global effort to tackle climate change.”

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